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MM Login Free for All


ClickMore 📷

By ClickMore 📷, 1341797056

I love MM dearly. Without it I would probably still be a frustrated landscape photographer or something. The latest bug there has people logging in only to find themselves in someone else's account! http://www.modelmayhem.com/po.php?thread_id=845143

Unfortunately as most of you are very aware they are having problems with their whole website. I keep myself logged in so hopefully no one logged in as me. The Admin offer no explanation for all the problems. Makes PP feel very secure in the hands of Russ.

twentytwenty said, 1341818967

Sick of MM. its problem after problem. I get logged out every time I change pages. uploading images is pretty hit and miss. sometimes I can, sometimes I cannot. type out a lengthy e-mail hit the send Button, Oh I am logged out again, and my message just disappears. even if the Admin did offer an explanation. I actually want a website that works, not a long list of excuses. Its the main reason I went in search of other places. thanks to the help of a Model, I found Purple.  MM can do one.

illumineBodyPainting said, 1341824498

I logged in to my MM after receiving an email saying I had a message. I clicked the link in my email and it started to download something so I stopped it in case it was dodgy and went to the site where it told me I had a message yet nothing appeared in my inbox and every time I clicked the message icon it began to download something again. Turns out I did have a message! 

Gavin. said, 1341825655

My MM is working fine at the moment.


Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1341826023

It looks like they have resolved the login issue - I'm fairly sure the team at MM were sweating bullets over that one!

To be fair bugs happen. Sometimes they are obscure and sometimes they affect everyone.

MM has been plagued with issues for a long time with image uploading and inbox being notable. The errors and lack of development of MM were instrumental in my decision to create PP.


Abbie Mac said, 1341831638

It's mayhem over there, I tell you.

(nailed it)

Dave Johnson said, 1341831862

Abbie Mac said

It's mayhem over there, I tell you.

LOL... :-)

Kaouthia said, 1341836214

Russ Freeman said

To be fair bugs happen. Sometimes they are obscure and sometimes they affect everyone.

MM has been plagued with issues for a long time with image uploading and inbox being notable. The errors and lack of development of MM were instrumental in my decision to create PP. 

Yeah, but also to be fair, they should've had a way to trace this to fix it more quickly, taken the site offline while they figured it out and informed the memberbase that their accounts had been compromised.

Just makes me glad that MM isn't a "service" I'm paying for. :)

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1341836899

Kaouthia said

Russ Freeman said

To be fair bugs happen. Sometimes they are obscure and sometimes they affect everyone.

MM has been plagued with issues for a long time with image uploading and inbox being notable. The errors and lack of development of MM were instrumental in my decision to create PP. 

Yeah, but also to be fair, they should've had a way to trace this to fix it more quickly, taken the site offline while they figured it out and informed the memberbase that their accounts had been compromised.

Just makes me glad that MM isn't a "service" I'm paying for. :)

Having read all of the MM forum topic I think one thing is clear; They handled it badly.

I'd have prevented logins whilst investigating and formulating a fix. Leaving it essentially wide open doesn't make any sense at all.

Also, considering we all have no idea whether we were affected or not I think an apology would be nice :-)


Kaouthia said, 1341837241

Russ Freeman said

Also, considering we all have no idea whether we were affected or not I think an apology would be nice :-)

Aye.  I have to say, I'm kinda surprised they haven't deleted the thread now they claim to have resolved the issue, just to sweep it under the rug and pretend like it never happened.

RunagateRepublic said, 1341847847

Scary stuff. I dont pay for MM any more but do log in if I get a message email notification. Even so it would have been nice to get a heads up it was compromised! Long live PP!!

Edited by Dani

LilyWhite said, 1341849745

Abbie Mac said

It's mayhem over there, I tell you.

(nailed it)



MadAde said, 1341851973

Blame the FBI.

ClickMore 📷 said, 1342135591

It's gone down again. Always happens after they do maintenance.

Sam Sharpe said, 1342168073

Iv not been able to access it for 3 days now 

ClickMore 📷 said, 1342168358

It is working at the moment!