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Too many cooks


By MaristarOxley, 1735037875

Seeing that the Games sections have split and caused a bit of a mess with us, who unsubscribed to games and are now seeing floods of posts from a new group; also FPI group posts getting bigger and again, I'm unsubscribed now, from those. I have recently switched off the FPI widget too.

Is PP getting away from a strong networking platform, into a tidal wave of annoying features?

Personally, it's becoming hard work going on here 😀 (please note the smile emoji regarding the last sentence)

ps this reminds me of this little skit:https://www.google.com/search?q=too+many+cooks+spoof+song&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgAECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gIyCQgIECMYJxjqAjIJCAkQIxgnGOoCMgkIChAjGCcY6gIyCQgLECMYJxjqAjIJCAwQIxgnGOoCMhUIDRAuGCcYrwEYxwEYugIY6gIYjgUyCQgOECMYJxjqAjIRCA8QABgDGEIYjwEYtAIY6gIyEQgQEAAYAxhCGI8BGLQCGOoCMg8IERAuGAMYjwEYtAIY6gIyEQgSEAAYAxhCGI8BGLQCGOoCMhEIExAAGAMYQhiPARi0AhjqAtIBBi0xajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:75d035f8,vid:QrGrOK8oZG8,st:0

Edited by MaristarOxley

indemnity said, 1735038411

The content on here is controlled by the submissions/activity of members and what they select to view. No matter what the site does there's always someone who wants to change it or would like extra features, it's human nature. I've always found it easier to remove or ignore aspects of life/activity that annoys me and crack on with what I like. I don't really pay any attention to what others do or want, I leave that up to them. Makes life much easier.

Lenswonder said, 1735039461

I don't see how anything on forums would stop anyone networking unless it's a personality you don't like.

Members already speak of using multiple platforms to connect with others. Some may be here more for the forum than photographic networking , it's all part of the site.

I think the site could introduce more interactive features which boost networking or people being featured other than the FPI but maybe it's not for this site.

Edited by Lenswonder

ANDY00 said, 1735040804

Nothing has changed in the mechanics of the site at all—all they did was move half the games to their own address. This site stands out as unique; if it were the same as everywhere else, it wouldn’t stand out. And you’re here… so...... there’s that. :-)

Edited by ANDY00

OriginalSin said, 1735041613

It happened to everyone as we were all signed up to the new games group. I clicked the leave group button and everything went back to the way it was in a nano second. No dramas. 

Gothic Image said, 1735043942

I don't understand your reasoning, I'm afraid. Surely the whole point of splitting the Games group was to encourage networking by getting people to look at other people's portfolios?

Sensual Art said, 1735045216

MaristarOxley Is there anything which, to your way of thinking, would improve it as a strong networking platform?

persistentvision said, 1735047687

Can't say I noticed anything tbh.

Starglider Photography said, 1735047935

I thought this thread was gonna be about one of the most warped yet engrossing videos on YouTube!


Edited by Starglider Photography

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1735050294

It was a definitely mistake to add everyone to the new group, and I should have filtered out those who had left the original games. I'll certainly apply a little more thought should we ever split a group into two in the future.

Still, at least you can leave PP groups that don't interest you, and you can also filter the groups to only show your favourite groups. Plus, you can hide individual posts, too.

I'm really not sure how this change has negatively affected networking on PP. Maybe someone can explain.

Edited by Russ Freeman

Huw said, 1735050669

Less than 20 seconds to leave the group.

Can’t really understand the problem.

indemnity said, 1735054099

Russ Freeman said

It was a definitely mistake to add everyone to the new group, and I should have filtered out those who had left the original games. I'll certainly apply a little more thought should we ever split a group into two in the future.

Still, at least you can leave PP groups that don't interest you, and you can also filter the groups to only show your favourite groups. Plus, you can hide individual posts, too.

I'm really not sure how this change has negatively affected networking on PP. Maybe someone can explain.

Edited by Russ Freeman

Thanks for the add... ;) :) 

Gothic Image said, 1735054709

Russ Freeman said

It was a definitely mistake to add everyone to the new group, and I should have filtered out those who had left the original games. I'll certainly apply a little more thought should we ever split a group into two in the future.

Still, at least you can leave PP groups that don't interest you, and you can also filter the groups to only show your favourite groups. Plus, you can hide individual posts, too.

I'm really not sure how this change has negatively affected networking on PP. Maybe someone can explain.

Edited by Russ Freeman

I'm not so sure about that. They had left the group in its original form, but who's to say they might have left it because they didn't like the self-advertising posts?  At the end of the day you can't please everyone all of the time.

MidgePhoto said, 1735060797

MaristarOxley said

Seeing that the Games sections have split ...

Russ Freeman said

It was a definitely mistake to add everyone to the new group, and I should have filtered out those who had left the original games. I'll certainly apply a little more thought ..

It was a good change.  I  have no strong opinion on the way it was done.  Thinking about them and possibly doing it differently according to the particular fissioning blob seems reasonable.

Timmee said, 1735061146

I always liked the inversion of the this famous saying: 'Too many brothels spoil the cook' 

Merry Christmas fellow PP'ers! 🎅