How to rebuild your reputation


gjp said, 1734685742

Welcome back :)

It can be difficult changing levels and getting shoots.  As a model who now doesn’t shoot nude or topless there is less of a market and you will need a portfolio that says you are great at clothed levels.

The bright side is you have the look that can pull this off and I have no doubt with a few selective TF shoots with the right photographers your portfolio will show that quickly

I was going to say you have the perfect look for the type of work Tabitha Boydell does, but then saw she had already posted a reply on this thread :)

As you expand your new portfolio I would say make sure you keep yourself in the public eye - post share a shoot, try and model for the events that are organised be photographers / models on PP (you meet more photographers and if they are creating images they like, and you are easy to work with there is a good chance of repeat bookings)

Having a speciality is good, showing versatility on top of that is, for me at least, really appealing in a model

Good luck

Morph01 said, 1734685754

You might want to talk to Gem. She actually transitioned the other way, but manages to shoot both quite successfully.

Jon984 said, 1734687178

I think you have a cool vibe, very natural and perfect for lifestyle and location fashion work.

You've made the first step in changing direction, that may seem daunting at first, but stick with it and take each day it comes. Good luck and hopefully we can get to shoot sometime next year.

Tabitha Boydell said, 1734688417

gjp yes I worked with Fay right when I started out doing events so she’d be perfect for my next Art Deco one

Jamie Norman said, 1734690869

I find it ridiculous that people would only work with you if you are working to those levels.  I'd happily shoot with you.
I do understand if you have a reputation for a certain style irresepcive of what it is but it shouldn't be so difficult.

Would happily chat to you about some ideas that are more in line with what you're looking to shoot.  I've had similiar conversations with a few people recently 

J.S. creative images. said, 1734692528

I feel that its not about rebuilding a reputation, the reputation you have built by being a very good art nude model , and judging by the commennents is well deserved, is one you should be proud of , the

fact you have changed your levels and would love to consentrate on fashion, does not mean your reputation has suffered I am sure the talent and experience of art nude modelling will transfer to fashion

what it will mean is a new start with marketing and promoting yourself, a new portfolio a new wardrobe  and I am sure you will not need to build a new reputation but be proud of the one you already have

and with your new levels clearly stated dismiss any level pushing and report it I wish you well for the new year.

Simon Cole said, 1734789192

Hi Fay,

Welcome back - So good to see you back with us!. I'm going to address the question you've asked here, plus the one asked in your most recent post today.

Yes, some of us were becoming a bit confused as your profiles kept appearing and disappearing. Personally, I'd always thought that some of your most fabulous work were your dynamic fashion images - I'd possibly describe some of these as being slightly "edgy", but certainly not rude or even nsfw, simply "Strong" in the sense that there was oodles of confidence and drama in the posing. I seem to remember that you tried to specialize in "vintage" images for a while, but I fear that might have been a bit too niche for many on PP so I'd advise broadening the scope to attract a wider range of photographers.

I believe you've built up a lot of goodwill from the various PP members who've been lucky enough to work with you in the past and many others who might only have seen your images here on PP - I'm confident that this should stand you in good stead and wish you well for the future.

Feel free to drop me a line as and when you head south as I'd love to work with you again ...


ANDY00 said, 1734791553

One day, Albert Einstein went into a classroom and wrote the nine-times table on the board—1×9 = 9, 2×9 = 18, all the way up to 10×9 = 91. Of course, the final answer should be 90, not 91. The students quickly pointed out and even ridiculed him for the “mistake.” Einstein then explained that, despite solving nine of the problems correctly, everyone focused only on the one he got wrong. This, he said, was a reflection of human nature: no matter how many things you do right, people will often notice and criticize the one thing you do wrong.

In reality, there is only what people perceive as wrong. What you choose to shoot is entirely your business. If you do it well—and from what I’ve seen, you do it extremely well—then people will want to work with you. i for one wish you the greatest success and welcome back :-) 

Lightingman said, 1734792600

I think you’re being rather hard on yourself describing it as “rebuilding your reputation” you haven’t imho done anything wrong or anything you need to atone for!

Hindsight is a great thing and you refer to ‘shuffling’ profiles which is something likely to confuse than be a direct turn off.

You’re starting an altogether new profile as I see it, so inevitably content is low and it could take a bit time to build it up.

Smilee said, 1734792635

The harsh reality is we are just a service, be it model, photographer or studio owner etc... When respective services change, supply is going to be high or low and it's just an awful truth that we have to accept.

Like anything, you have to market yourself to find customers for your service. Ideally it's existing customers but if not a new marketing campaign has to be sort. Reduce rates initially for new clients, offer discounts or just be known as the best in your business by excellent testimonials.

Maybe the platform isn't fit for purpose anymore and you have to look for a better shop window.

Whatever you do, I hope 2025 is an exceptional year and all the very best :)

ToggyMcTogface said, 1734793572

For a fashion model the world is a much bigger place than just PP with many platforms and agencies available to find work. Much of the available paid work on PP is nude, just the way it is, the PP market is to a large degree amateur photographers who like taking pics of nude ladies. Spread your net to where there is more paid work for fashion models, brands with budgets don't look for models on PP.