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Adobe cloud


By sepiashots, 1733996863

I'm looking for some help...

I try not to use Adobe cloud, so use the classic products. However Adobe Cloud is saying I'm using 17.3GB of 20GB of storage... When I look in files there's nothing there. when I look in shared there's nothing there... when I look in the library there's nothing there... when I look in deleted there's nothing there...

Where the heck are these files that are taking so much space up...?

Thanks for any help.

ANDY00 said, 1733997455

You’ll need to go to Creative Cloud and use the chat feature. When the agent comes online, ask them to check for you. :-) It might be a setup issue that wasn’t completed after installation or images saved after using Expand AI or something similar.

Edited by ANDY00

sepiashots said, 1734001903

ok thanks

ClickMore 📷 said, 1734002570

It might be files used on your phone in Photoshop Express or Lightroom.