You have an interesting and effective but deep formation there.
I'd suspect that focusing on the 2nd row you'd need to stop down your aperture to F/11 or f/8 to include front and back rank in sharp focus.
You mention exposure/shutter speed.
Your exposure is somewhere between 1/1000 and 1/10000s isn't it, regardless of the speed the clicky mechanism moves, that being the duration of the discharge in your flash tube.
You have with your single flash head an over-exposed front, and under-exposed rear rank. Not bad, and for a team photo I'd think it won't cause complaint.
A solution is to place one flash level with each rank, at each end, in a row at the same angle as your line or V.
Very low power.
If you don't have 11 flashes conveniently to hand ;) then I expect you can get by with one flash per side per 2,3, or 4 ranks.
Lacking even so many, you could employ reflectors. A barn door or some foil to reduce the (doubled) light on the point person, and bits of shiny stuff down each side gets it down to 2. Can you have 4 assistants and a long roll of wide cooking foil, stretch out 2 pieces?
Edited by MidgePhoto