Thoughts on new software


RAWing Waves said, 1721327886

indemnity said

I loaded 1st then 2nd as a layer, they're not quite same size or the aspect is changed a tad so difficult if you wanted to use 2nd as a layer and adjust opacity or use parts selectively, that wouldn't work in this instance. No idea how it functions but I reckon it's not quite the tool for the job, however, that's all subjective.

Not quite sure what you mean by different aspect ratio and size as they are exactly the same

RAWing Waves said, 1721328022

but it seems most are with the more natural retouch, I may play more with Evoto to see about dialling it back to reach a output that I'm more happy with. said, 1721328202

Gothic Image said said

RAWing Waves This probably won't be a popular opinion, but here goes anyway...

First image is an excellent portrait. An attractive young woman with a slight hint of sadness in her eyes and a story to tell. I like the freckles and the few wild hairs out of place. The detail in the eyes is quite alluring too. It's the sort of image one comes back to and looks again, in case one has missed something.

Whereas, IMHO, the second image seems to have scrubbed away every last gram of humanity and individuality, and turned her into a waxworks dummy, with blank, lifeless eyes and nothing to say at all. In fact, it has has something of the Stepford Wives about it and TBH I find it a tad scary.

Edited by

Evoto obviously has a thing against freckles.  That's the trouble with automated tools, they can't tell the difference between a freckle and blemish.

Indeed. lol. But it's also done bloody awful things to her eyes too. Windows to the soul and all that... ;-)

The Ghost said, 1721328314 said

2nd image looks the more edited photo and I think I prefer it over the first . 

It would be good to see the unedited photo too

Funnily enough, the second one looks more like what you get when you shoot a hard(ish) light through a big sheet of something like Lee #188 or #184. Both images have their strengths and weaknesses.

Holly Alexander said, 1721328536

I'd probably say a mix between the two would be good. I think ai software makes everything too smooth, gets rid of the features of the face/individual too much and I hate that it seems to remove the beautiful freckles!

indemnity said, 1721328647

RAWing Waves said

indemnity said

I loaded 1st then 2nd as a layer, they're not quite same size or the aspect is changed a tad so difficult if you wanted to use 2nd as a layer and adjust opacity or use parts selectively, that wouldn't work in this instance. No idea how it functions but I reckon it's not quite the tool for the job, however, that's all subjective.

Not quite sure what you mean by different aspect ratio and size as they are exactly the same

Take first open as new image take second and open the copy 2nd and place as layer over 1st and there's a slight difference as you adjust the layer opacity. They don't align.

Holly Alexander said, 1721328823

Out of interest, do you get the same quality photos after putting it through the evoto software?

For example I use Lightroom and Photoshop and can save photos in as high quality as I choose, does the evoto software diminish quality in any way or is it similar to lightroom/Photoshop for that?

I personally find the editing process just as enjoyable as taking photos (in my photography role, I'm aware I'm logged in on my model account right now) so it would ruin that fun and interest for me, but I'm sure others will find the time saving useful

RAWing Waves said, 1721329161

indemnity said

RAWing Waves said

indemnity said

I loaded 1st then 2nd as a layer, they're not quite same size or the aspect is changed a tad so difficult if you wanted to use 2nd as a layer and adjust opacity or use parts selectively, that wouldn't work in this instance. No idea how it functions but I reckon it's not quite the tool for the job, however, that's all subjective.

Not quite sure what you mean by different aspect ratio and size as they are exactly the same

Take first open as new image take second and open the copy 2nd and place as layer over 1st and there's a slight difference as you adjust the layer opacity. They don't align.

I do see what you mean, i wonder if thats some slight shift when outputted from Evoto as opposed to outputted from PS, interesting

indemnity said, 1721329930

RAWing Waves this happens with the dreaded Portrait pro when face reshape is not deactivated. Some of these editing programmes are useful when you can use them as a layer and then apply masks and vary opacity too (sometimes they can be quite brutal)....this is what I was trying to do, just to see it's versatility and how it could be used and toned down selectively. The freckles are an issue, removal of some stray hairs can sometimes be difficult and time consuming to handle in a convincing manner, any tips, techniques and software can be a bonus.

RAWing Waves said, 1721330166

indemnity said

RAWing Waves this happens with the dreaded Portrait pro when face reshape is not deactivated. Some of these editing programmes are useful when you can use them as a layer and then apply masks and vary opacity too (sometimes they can be quite brutal)....this is what I was trying to do, just to see it's versatility and how it could be used and toned down selectively. The freckles are an issue, removal of some stray hairs can sometimes be difficult and time consuming to handle in a convincing manner, any tips, techniques and software can be a bonus.

Yes this was my first look at Evoto and maybe there was a camera lens compensation that I didn't notice but I will play with a little more. I'm happy with my process for retouching at the moment but always like to look at new software. Agree as layers and reducing opacity is a good way to use some of them.

RAWing Waves said, 1721330293

Holly Alexander said

Out of interest, do you get the same quality photos after putting it through the evoto software?

For example I use Lightroom and Photoshop and can save photos in as high quality as I choose, does the evoto software diminish quality in any way or is it similar to lightroom/Photoshop for that?

I personally find the editing process just as enjoyable as taking photos (in my photography role, I'm aware I'm logged in on my model account right now) so it would ruin that fun and interest for me, but I'm sure others will find the time saving useful

Its similar to LR/photoshop, I personally work between Capture One and PS and back again. Then I output from Capture one.

I do agree I like to the process of retouching and taking my time as well.

Huw said, 1721337900

Second one looks like poor AI.

Have you tried using Lightroom (mobile version) on an iPad.

I’ve recently discovered it, and it’s fun. Prod it with your finger. Very natural. Probably the top 20 shots on my portfolio.

Stu H said, 1721366303

Portrait Pro by another name?

Which isn't a bad thing, if it's used sparingly.

Does the software enable the user to fine control the effect, or is it a straight 1, 2 , 3, 11?

RAWing Waves said, 1721374721

Stu H said

Portrait Pro by another name?

Which isn't a bad thing, if it's used sparingly.

Does the software enable the user to fine control the effect, or is it a straight 1, 2 , 3, 11?

Fine control is via sliders