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Thoughts on new software


RAWing Waves

By RAWing Waves, 1721313609

Being someone that retouches via dodging and burning FS etc I thought I would give Evoto a try to see what it could produce.

So lets have your thoughts on the images below




Edited by RAWing Waves

JPea said, 1721316004

Not sure what's what.

No 1 seems OK but No 2 seems very harsh.

Somersetman said, 1721316224

Can you tell us what (1) and (2) represent, i.e. RAW vs Evoto-processed, or hand-processed vs Evoto-processed?

Incidentally Evoto's pricing model is "interesting".


You are only charged (around 6 pence) each time you export a photo, and upgrades are free.  But the smallest pack of "export credits" you can buy is £74 and they expire after a year... so the annual cost is on a par with Photoshop (if you buy the latter on a Black Friday 12-month deal).  I do understand the Evoto and Photoshop do different things, but it's a benchmark for value for money.

RAWing Waves said, 1721316967

So 1 is a more natural retouch by me and 2 is run through Evoto

RAWing Waves said, 1721317005

Personally I feel Evoto is a little harsh although you can dial it back

FiL said, 1721318613

Looks like my workshop bench after three coats of yacht varnish.

BLA@K said, 1721318965

sticking my neck out  as a person that really does try to do editing to not great success with no concentration at all is this Evoto easy to use as in very easy ?

jonathantennantphotography.co.uk said, 1721319022

2nd image looks the more edited photo and I think I prefer it over the first . 

It would be good to see the unedited photo too

Gothic Image said, 1721322495

RAWing Waves said

Personally I feel Evoto is a little harsh although you can dial it back

I agree - it's a bit OTT as it stands.

Mel4nie said, 1721323484

I've been using Evoto for about 6 weeks and I love it. Once you get used to the sliders as to not to over cook the edit, it's great.

There are a few presets so you can add a really light retouch if you wanted or you can go right to the other end of the scale.

Once you've found your mojo with it, it's great.

Also sorts out niggly issues with cracks/marks on infinity walls in 2 seconds flat.

I really struggled to get to terms with using PS for such things such as dodge n burn and frequency separation, where as this does it in one click.

I essentially use Evoto for backdrop and beauty retouch, with masking a light adjustments completed in Lightroom.

For me, this combo works really well

Edited by Mel4nie

indemnity said, 1721323710

I loaded 1st then 2nd as a layer, they're not quite same size or the aspect is changed a tad so difficult if you wanted to use 2nd as a layer and adjust opacity or use parts selectively, that wouldn't work in this instance. No idea how it functions but I reckon it's not quite the tool for the job, however, that's all subjective.

OriginalSin said, 1721323905

I prefer the original. Second one's a bit too soft for me.

ClickMore 📷 said, 1721324145

Well Evoto would take all the fun out of editing. Good news for those who like Plastic Doll Skin. IG won't like it unless you hit the AI button.

waist.it said, 1721325789

RAWing Waves This probably won't be a popular opinion, but here goes anyway...

First image is an excellent portrait. An attractive young woman with a slight hint of sadness in her eyes and a story to tell. I like the freckles and the few wild hairs out of place. The detail in the eyes is quite alluring too. It's the sort of image one comes back to and looks again, in case one has missed something.

Whereas, IMHO, the second image seems to have scrubbed away every last gram of humanity and individuality, and turned her into a waxworks dummy, with blank, lifeless eyes and nothing to say at all. In fact, it has has something of the Stepford Wives about it and TBH I find it a tad scary.

Edited by waist.it

Timmee said, 1721327217

I'm a fan of Irene Rudnyk, but I tend to find her edits these days (done with Evoto I think) a little over saturated and over smoothed. It's all personal taste.

I like the idea that I'm making choices rather than letting the A.I. do it all.

Gothic Image said, 1721327667

waist.it said

RAWing Waves This probably won't be a popular opinion, but here goes anyway...

First image is an excellent portrait. An attractive young woman with a slight hint of sadness in her eyes and a story to tell. I like the freckles and the few wild hairs out of place. The detail in the eyes is quite alluring too. It's the sort of image one comes back to and looks again, in case one has missed something.

Whereas, IMHO, the second image seems to have scrubbed away every last gram of humanity and individuality, and turned her into a waxworks dummy, with blank, lifeless eyes and nothing to say at all. In fact, it has has something of the Stepford Wives about it and TBH I find it a tad scary.

Edited by waist.it

Evoto obviously has a thing against freckles.  That's the trouble with automated tools, they can't tell the difference between a freckle and blemish.