Is photography sexual?


GDSandy Photography said, 1717601271

CalmNudes said

Abbey A said

I've been following this post and (with my tongue firmly in my cheek....)

Rankin has shot a lot of my colleagues and if that is his idea of sexual well it's a whole team set up,lots of assistants, very clinical, scheduled to the nth minute and he rocks up and presses the shutter.

(That is the feedback from friends, not my own experience)

So if that is sexual.....I need to sit and have a good long think.


So for likes of Rankin and Bailey anything sexual must be clinically planned,  needs a lot of assistance, and the gentleman concerned is only involved for a moment ?

Actually now you mention it  

Reminds me of AI at the dairy.

Abbey A said, 1717601995

CalmNudes I'm only going on what I've heard...can neither confirm nor deny my personal views here 😂😋

Perception said, 1717935374

It’s wasn’t phrased great, then taken out of context, and I think the whole posts now a bit wonky because of it. I think it should have been, “do you as a photographer find photographing models sexual?” Because it’s an individual thing. I don’t, I don’t do sexy lol. I find it’s more seeking beauty in the world, some meaning. I find the famale can express that best.

Edited by Perception

NigelW said, 1717945625

Holly Alexander Photography said

Of course it's totally personal to each individual.

I definitely don't consider it sexual myself, I'm not thinking any sexual thoughts or getting turned on. I do love capturing people and feel that it's an intimate process. Intimate doesn't always mean sexual.

Couldn't have said it better. I will add that for me, the chemistry changes from shoot to shoot. Some models I've worked with I've felt something a bit more about how they connect with the camera and with others, it simply doesn't happen for whatever reason.