What is most important. Subject matter, lighting or editing?


Simon Cole said, 1714683318

If any of these ingredients are absent then the whole project falls flat - so yes, proportions of each are variable and can be adjusted to suit specific tastes/requirements. That said, they all have to be there and imho are all equally important.

JonC said, 1714683410

Of course all aré important, but ‘subject matter’ is a very, very broad concept. Even in the context of photos of people, it is not just the ‘model’ but encompasses what they are wearing, make-up, expression, pose, background, etc. I would also include more abstract notions of ‘subject’ - concept, story, background, context, composition. And even with all that, I think your lecturer was wrong. A great photographer can take an interesting photograph of a ‘boring’ subject (is there such a thing?) - and there are many, many examples.

MacMaghnuis said, 1714683524

Simon Cole is editing absolutely necessary? Could you not create an image without editing it once it has been captured?

Kevin Connery said, 1714683578

MacMaghnuis said

A long time ago I did a photography qualification and a lecturer said to me that photography was 50% pointing the camera at something worth looking at. I've always agreed with that so I think In would say subject matter is the most important aspect. On this site that normally means the model and sometimes the mua the photographer chooses to work with.

I'm going to go with 25% lighting and 25% editing as well. I can't choose between them.


At the risk of sounding pedantic, 'pointing the camera at something worth looking at' can refer to much more than just the subject. Angle, composition, viewpoint, environment, colors, tones, relevance, etc all play a part. A boring subject, photographed in an interesting way, can result in an interesting photograph; it's just harder to pull off. I do agree in concept, just wanted that that caveat.

Stanmore said

For the photography I most appreciate and enjoy viewing today, subject / concept / content are absolute king. Lighting can enhance or complement this to a degree, but in many instances, flat / soft / diffuse is the answer. Editing is barely a factor at all. 

Starglider Photography said, 1714683614

MacMaghnuis said

Simon Cole is editing absolutely necessary? Could you not create an image without editing it once it has been captured?

Can you say that none of your photos haven't been processed in some way through an editing package?

Could you produce what you do without doing so?

MacMaghnuis said, 1714683624

JonC You might have a point, but it might better be expressed by saying a crap photographer can take a boring image of a great subject?

film98 said, 1714683691

composition trumps everything imo

JonC said, 1714683730

MacMaghnuis true, but definitely not the point I was making.

MacMaghnuis said, 1714683743

Starglider Photography For me, personally no. I've messed about with all my images. I think they need it and I enjoy doing it.

MacMaghnuis said, 1714683902

Starglider Photography Although, embarrassingly I do have an unedited image hidden on my portfolio that I uploaded as a before photo, that got picked as an FPI, and has almost as many likes as the edited image.

MidgePhoto said, 1714683917


It might, or one might point at an object as part of exploring conveying or exploiting an idea.

Do we sum a lot of that up as content or is that the finished article?

Starglider Photography said, 1714683925

MacMaghnuis said

Starglider Photography For me, personally no. I've messed about with all my images. I think they need it and I enjoy doing it.

Then how can you ask if editing if editing is absolutely necessary? If you yourself (as I do) require it to complete your images, then surely it's incredibly important*... as is the idea, the subject matter and the lighting to bring it all together.

*There are very few people who are so good that they don't need to edit after the shoot, but here that's definitely the minority.

MacMaghnuis said, 1714684039

Starglider Photography I was only posing the question as a hypothetical, not my own personal approach.

Starglider Photography said, 1714684146

MacMaghnuis said

Starglider Photography I was only posing the question as a hypothetical, not my own personal approach.

Then to answer your own question, all aspects are equally important :)

Huw said, 1714684741

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