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Was this a scam?



By PhotoBeautiful, 1714105075

I received an invitation from a model to do a shoot. We are both in the U.S.;she in Boston, me in New York City, a distance of approximately 200 miles, 3 1/2 hours each way. It is only about one tank of gas (14 gallons) at $3.50 a gallon round trip. She was willing to do TFP or as she put it "I don't want to charge you or be charged". She would drive 3 1/5 hours, model for 2 hours and drive back for 3 1/2 hours for TFP. This didn't seem fair or reasonable and too good to be true. This being said we set a date for August. Over the next two days, I became uncomfortable with the arrangement and cancelled the shoot.

One other thing. She described herself as Native American. Her photos made it seem right, but her communication made it seem like English was not her first language.

She thanked me and then ...blocked me???

What does anyone make of this?

Brian Lewicki said, 1714107226

I think you dodged a bullet, I can’t think anything other than he/she whatever was malicious.

ADWsPhotos said, 1714107577

There’s not a lot there I find too surprising, if she really liked your style it’s not inconceivable that she’d be prepared to travel? Seems to me many people in the US have a different view of ‘a long way’ than we do in the UK. I’ve experienced models being willing to travel for a TF shoot here.

If you decided you didn’t want the shoot in case you were being messed about, that’s fine, your call. In which case I’m not at all surprised she blocked you. In terms of the language, it’s not clear whether you were talking talking or writing? If in writing, some people don’t always write in ‘the King’s English’ (or whatever you call it over there ;-) )

If it is a scam, I’ve not understood what the ‘gotcha’ is?

BLA@K said, 1714109572

You say she is an indigenous native and English is not her first language , she may only speak her only language and only speak English as a second language it is not uncommon.

CalmNudes said, 1714111209

The old saying if it looks to good to be true it probably is.  If you're world renowned as photographer, people might put in 7 hours travel and costs to shoot with you for two. Otherwise it fails the "smell test".  Some models who are fine in person write a bit oddly - I try not to criticize, sometimes my writing looks like I've had a stroke. Other times odd writing is another bad smell. 

Blocking someone after they've pulled out of a shoot isn't that rare. 

MarkGerrardPhotography said, 1714111962

I drove from north of Seattle to Portland a distance of over 200 miles each way to do shoots a couple of times so it's possible she tught you were worth driving the distance for

Gothic Image said, 1714112805

I'd probably be a bit wary but would still have gone for it. As ADWsPhotos says, I can't see what any scam might be?

B17fan said, 1714114846

Gothic Image +1. I'm not sure what the OP had to lose by going ahead if the model was taking the time to travel. I know a few models whose English isn't the best, but I book them to pose not write me an essay.

Holly Alexander said, 1714115519

It is a long way to travel for a TF shoot but it might have been worth taking the risk and make back up plans for the day, as the only thing I can think of to happen would be they don't turn up?

As for the language, Native Americans do speak different languages so English not being their first language makes sense. Also I'm often typing here on my phone so make spelling and grammar mistakes ALL the time just because the keyboard is to teeny!

ClickMore 📷 said, 1714116774

As a Native American she might have English as a second language. In the UK we have Welsh people who go to Welsh speaking schools and therefore English is a second language. Also consider the fact that people with a learning difficulty such as dyslexia.

Jonny Hel Photo said, 1714122562

If it was a scam, I'm not seeing what she was going to be scamming you out of.

Everly Rose said, 1714123367

Surely the worst that could of happened was she didn't show up and you have a day free? If she was not asking for any money toward costs or fuel she isn't scamming you? When I first started out I built up a strong portfolio doing TFP with photographers who's work I admired and often drove there and back 100's of miles in a day. Perhaps there are not many photographers in her area and she really wanted to work with you? I would personally have been flattered and taken her up.

LifeModel said, 1714123772

'Scam' might be putting it a bit strongly, but I wouldn't rate the chances of it actually happening very highly.

Models might offer to travel what seem like long distances if they already have a plan to be in the area for another reason (or are looking for an excuse to go there) - I do that all the time. Boston to NY is quite feasibly something she wanted to do anyway and thought she could book a shoot while in town. Bit surprised though if she didn't try to cover some of her costs via the booking.

indemnity said, 1714124152

It might be Pocahontas, is it the fact she was driving and not riding a horse that gave concern?

Edited by indemnity

JME Studios said, 1714124595

I'm unfamiliar with the American market, so I'm unsure if by American standards Boston to NYC is "A long way."

My understanding is Spanish is kind of the equivalent of French in Europe as the second "lingua franca" but that tends to be more towards the south. (When I went to Miami last year for example I discovered many, particularly in the service industry, don't speak that much English at all.)

Now I'm old and cynical but I feel that if something is too good to be true, it probably is.

JJsPix said, 1714124877

I'm sorry to say that I've read the posting several times, and I just can't make sense of it; you claim that you cancelled the shoot, and she thanked you and then blocked you?

Trying to piece together the chronology of what you have written isn't very easy at all.

You claim that you thought that English was probably not her first language; in all honesty, if what you have posted is an example of your use of the English language, then I'm surprised that you managed to get anything other than the most basic arrangements done.

And if it is as you seem to say, that she had offered to travel to you and then you cancelled, how can you be surprised that she blocked you?