The Midlands - is there anyone left out there?


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Aurora Phoenix said, 1714038398

I live in Cambridge but I am a touring traveling model and I tour all over UK and Europe doing different places each month.

I often tour the west-midlands/birmingham area. I come for 3-4 days and I hire nice apartments to shoot from. So I can offer shoot locations to photographers as well as traveling around to studios etc..

I for tours this way I have come by myself and with other models I was just recently here with the lovely. Maleficent In January for a tour.

We do plan to come back again at some point too.


Holly Alexander said, 1714038581

Saracen House Studio thanks so much :)

Aurora Phoenix said, 1714038735

I am touring Nottingham this Friday - Sunday it’s more East Midlands your side actually :) I did ping you a message just in case as I have some last slots left but not left many.

Very sorry to hear you have had bad luck with booking shoots.


Everly Rose said, 1714038901

The last 2 castings for tours I have put out for the Midlands I did not receive a single message, I had to cancel a studio day and I didn't get any interest on my solo castings either, compared to the South and Scotland where my tours have sold really well it did puzzle me alot. I was thinking that there must not be many photographers that want to shoot so it's strange you say it is the other way around.

JME Studios said, 1714039592

Everly Rose that's very interesting. It does seem slow here, and it's not like I can't bring in models from the North West and London - I'm 15 minutes from Nuneaton station with direct WCML links to Liverpool Lime Street, Manchester Piccadilly and London Euston. It's not a difficult part of the UK to get to.

Gothic Image said, 1714039662

Noting the number of similar posts that the OP has made, all with the same responses, could I respectfully suggest that the question "What do I need to do to get models to shoot with me?" might receive more fruitful answers?

Huw said, 1714039710

JamesMt142 said

Even Stevie Wonder could see that last comment coming, but I take everything else.

Well, the models who have blocked you won’t see your castings,

and you won’t see them on your searches.

JME Studios said, 1714039930

Huw wrong. I can see models who've blocked me on search, although obviously when one clicks them you're taken straight to their reference page.

Aurora Phoenix said, 1714040557

Everly Rose

This is odd tours for me have always been very booked up in the midlands it’s one of my best areas.

However, East Midlands Nottingham hasn’t sold as well as West-Midlands so maybe that area is better for shoots. Was more of a push for Nottingham area but it got booked up in the end with only a few slots left.

But I have toured Birmingham/West Midlands around 6 + times now. Nottingham it’s my first time touring this way trying East Midlands.

Aurora :)

Gregory Mason said, 1714040657

Currently inactive due to illness, before it happened I had lists of models/studios by regions. For example in my vicinity there are 40 plus models available for what I want to shoot, none of them have outrageous rates or conditions the only problem was availability as some are booked well in advance. Touring models are frequently are shooting at places I could get to easily as well. 

Margo Jost said, 1714041280

Yes I've noticed a huge shift in model photography.

It seems to be dead now as opposed to pre 2020.

I see hardly any photo shoots shared on social media anymore and I've noticed that alot of people who were previously active, arnt anymore.

That's on social media in general I've noticed.

This site seems to be dead from my own experiences/ observations.

Engagement on the forums is barely non existent bar the usual small contingent of around 10 regulars (who make it look like threads are busy but actually, it's normally just conversations between 3 or 4 of the same people).

I did a search for photographers in the York area the other day and so many of the accounts were inactive or hadn't logged in in months or years.

I put up a casting for a paid shoot (me paying the photographer) as I realise that generally speaking I wouldn't be first choice for TFP, especially clothed which I mainly do now and whilst I did have some responses and have a couple of shoots booked, the response was very very low considering I'm trying to pay someone 😬

I've tried contacting a few people direct on here to offer them work and most just haven't logged in to see the messages.

The over whelming feeling I get is that this site and model folio are very very quiet and in the wider community, people just have lost interest / enthusiasm. Perhaps due to money / cash flow issues / the wider depression of economic concerns / post COVID depression / any number of factors.

I'm assuming the lack of models is due to other revenue streams but it's not something I know anything about.

Conversely I've heard that adultfolio is doing a roaring trade and is very active so maybe there is just a general community switch to higher levels.

Who knows?

Margo Jost said, 1714041460

Oh, us 80's babies are certainly hanging on, hanging on grimly by our false teeth 😏

JME Studios said, 1714041681

Yeah, maybe I need to focus my efforts on Adultfolio a bit more.

I'm a 1984 baby for what it's worth.

Margo Jost said, 1714041766

JamesMt142 if you want to do adult photography then apparently you will find a roaring trade on there.

If you want to do fashion / portraits / clothes, you won't.

Huw said, 1714044049

JamesMt142 said

Huw wrong. I can see models who've blocked me on search, although obviously when one clicks them you're taken straight to their reference page.

You're right...   it prevents people you have blocked from your searches, not the other way around.

Thanks, misunderstood that.