Is there really a difference between Photoshop and AI?


Retouchguy said, 1712961954

Wondrous said

Retouchguy 'a tool created for the creation of art' Is that what AI is and is that really what you think it creates ?

I guess drug cheats are also just creating art.

What!!? what have drug cheats got to do with photoshop,

Huw said, 1712961970

Traie ny Foillan I think I approve of AI now. ;)

Wondrous said, 1712962076

Retouchguy everything, they are the same thing. An imitation a fraud usually hiding amongst the real.

Retouchguy said, 1712962080

MidgePhoto said

Rules-based systems are useful. Once we know what we want to do, doing it over and over is ... very nice for some things ... 

Hinting Engines are within our power for a lot of areas. Expert Systems, much less so, but some have been built.

Theres a nice piece near the beginning of John Brunner's SF novel "the jagged orbit" from last century, with the last of the spoolpigeons illustrating the news. But that's rule-based tools.


But copying someones art is not creating art its copying and has nothing to do with content fill in photoshop

Retouchguy said, 1712962431

Wondrous said

Retouchguy everything, they are the same thing. An imitation a fraud usually hiding amongst the real.

How is art fraudulent, Fraudulent to who, im not selling to you art saying i've not used photoshop am i ? again wheres this rule book that sais art needs to be done how you do it?  so you are a real artist and im a fake because i use Photoshop on my images, that's what your saying yes ?

Edited by Retouchguy

Wondrous said, 1712962443

Retouchguy find out when you submit your AI to whatever possibly non AI admitting organisation. Find out when you have to speak about your art and it's process and how you came to it. You might than find out something new about yourself.

Edited by Wondrous

Retouchguy said, 1712962618

Wondrous said

Retouchguy find out when you submit your AI to whatever possibly non AI admitting organisation. Find out when you have to speak about your art and it's process and how you came to it. You might than find out something new about yourself.

Edited by Wondrous

can you point out where the AI is in my images, bare in mind every image in my port i shot and have raws for and most of my images were created a decade before AI was ever mentioned apart from in start trek

Edited by Retouchguy

Wondrous said, 1712962924

Retouchguy I am speaking only in relation to thread content not any profile content. They say the computer is an imitation of the human brain , today the human wants to leave the thinking to the computer not sure to what end but it's ugly.

Lol now that I think about it some forms of art have gone full circle. Example cheesy pin ups to sponge cake AI.

Edited by Wondrous

Retouchguy said, 1712963417

Art is different for every new generation, because tech is always changing, this site allows artists that paint with Photoshop, that's not a direct photograph but it's allowed and i love some of the things they create, there are thousands of mobile selfies added every week with filters and ai software rampant and that's fine in fact there's usually a line of photographers telling them how great they look in them. the issue here is in people wanting to dictate how a small percentage can create art while affording others freedoms which is not fair and as i keep saying art isn't meant to have rules, but at same time im not asking anyone to like my art, i love creating it and its always nice if someone enjoys it but i create it for me


Edited by Retouchguy

ClickMore 📷 said, 1712963871

I'm confused. Photoshop is an editing program, AI is anything artificial from visual to audio to everything artificial, so the initial question does not make sense.

Retouchguy said, 1712965018

ClickMore 📷 said

I'm confused. Photoshop is an editing program, AI is anything artificial from visual to audio to everything artificial, so the initial question does not make sense.

By that logic studios are out then and flash lighting, and most modern art lenses as well as digital cameras, all artifitial

I wonder if portrait painters were the same when the first cameras started appearing :-P " that's not a real picture a real picture has to be painted onto canvas, that's a fake, you must stop that right now", ;-)

throughout human existence we have sought to create images with tools at hand from cave painting, to carving, From images carved through mountain ranges that can only be seen from space to sculptures that we still argue how they achieved today, humans love art in all its forms without rules, its part of our evolution, we've learned so much by breaking the rules trying something new some good some bad but all has brought us to modern times, now we have more advanced tools and products than ever for creating art, we shouldn't stop now


Edited by Retouchguy

Retoucher Cam said, 1712967247

An AI-based post-processing workflow is fundamentally different to a non-AI based workflow.

Likewise, AI-based image generation is fundamentally different to photography-based image generation.

Only one, in both cases, requires imagination and forethought, motivation and effort, hard and soft skills and tools, and interaction with other humans and the environment.

Pushing a button in an email application that accepts a quote for a third party to paint my house does not make me a painter any more than pushing a button in a graphics application that triggers a third party algorithm to 'filter' skin in a photo makes someone a retoucher.

Retouchguy said, 1712968136

Retoucher Cam photography itself uses a lot of tech these days that works independent , I say it like that because people get upset if you call it intelligent systems, just because you do your dodge and burn one way does that mean it’s the only way? Do you use healing tools ? They auto generate textures to replace content without effort or imagination as you put it. You use photoshop and light room to correct and reshape light in an image - that’s artificial . I could go on.

New tools are just that new tools sure like any tools there will be people that use it a lot and some will use it a little but the end goal is art

Edited by Retouchguy

Wondrous said, 1712970454

I think it's clear some don't really know what art is but we're all allowed an opinion.

JJsPix said, 1712970512

My take on the subject is that AI is no different to any other tool.

If you enjoy photography, you won't use it.

If you just wish to produce images with the least possible effort, then you will.

To me the joys of actually handling a set of photography implements in order to create a good image makes me happy.

To analogise; when I am in my workshop, I could easily use machinery and jigs to create a box. But it's really satisfying to pick up a dovetail saw, and cut s set of dovetails that are unique to that box.

Sure, it takes longer to do. But I really get a lot of fun out of manipulating the materials and shaping them with real planes and saws etc.

After all, there are still people out there that use real film and wet develop them all by hand.

I guess there will always be "luddites" who enjoy using traditional methods. But that's another story...