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Your Best of Twenty-Three


By Stanmore, 1703258959

Your favourite photo's of the year to be posted here in the this 1-2-3 order...

  1) An image from your own PP port' that you uploaded (not necessarily shot) in '23.

  2) An image from somebody else's PP port' that you 'discovered' (wasn't necessarily uploaded) in '23.

  3) A link to an image not on PP that you 'discovered' in '23.

A description of why you love each or any one of them could be added too.

Stanmore said, 1703259295

1. Colours, perceptual simplicity, 'honesty'...

2. The combination and placement of light with colour, the quirkiness, the motion...

3. 'The Garden' series from Sian captivates me in its entirety, but this is the image that's most 'seared' into my brain...


Stanmore said, 1703259874

Just noticed the link goes to the gallery, not image on my mobile. It's no.4 in the series: The trio with the white-haired man centre.