AI + Photography = ?


Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1703108910

CalmNudes said

B17fan said

Written by human or machine, after two lines I'd had enough..........

TWO ?? I  stopped in the first line.  And from here I got to the OP's profile to hide their forum posts hence forth

Unfocussed Mike said

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Don't tell my boss!  But yeah, find me a writer who isn't using AI at the moment.

I am going to be blunt, and I am going to use a swearword, but it is in the interests of furthering a debate:

The bit in bold is a bullshit cop-out.

Don't use AI. Write your own words. Own your writing.

Why should make the effort to read something couldn't make the effort to write. Got an idea? Express it in your own words. If you can't do that, STFU.  I'd like to see a short posting ban for posting GPT or similar generated stuff as ones own (as happens with pictures), until then it's very few clicks to block those who serve bots. 

I think ridicule is good.

Kirk Schwarz said, 1703108966

Russ Freeman said

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Don't tell my boss!  But yeah, find me a writer who isn't using AI at the moment. Even at very basic level to fine-tune, spellcheck, grammar check and more, it's all AI driven. Yes, Grammarly played a role in certain sections, and ChatGPT used to prompt and ask additional questions. This short article was written a few months ago for something that never got the green light for publication.

This also raises an interesting point: How many people are aware of the extent to which what they read, watch, and see is either entirely or partially produced by AI, some of it with no human oversight whatsoever?

The written word is far more at threat than visual content. Most, if not all of the editorial magazines I used to write for are almost totally produced by AI. 

Dave Kai-Piper aka Amor Lucis.

Check out Jaron Lanier's book, Who Owns the Future. Also, his bit here:

We're already at the point where those who know are tired of this BS, and those who don't yet know will soon tire of this BS.

IG is also getting overrun with AI crap, YT and tiktok, and the search results are too. It's going to cause real problems soon, and these megacorps are causing their own demise. It's almost funny.

People are starting to question what is happening, starting to realise how much BS there is in the media, and it will cause long-term harm to those that wish to maintain control over narratives.

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.

Also, to be fair, Facebook, instagram and YouTube are already the architects of their own demise with truly atrocious algorithm updates that fly directly in the face of the user experience. 

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1703109289

Kirk Schwarz said

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.


 What are they?

Amor Lucis said, 1703109418

Russ Freeman said

Kirk Schwarz said

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.


 What are they?

Would be worth a look for sure. 

Wondrous said, 1703109427

Wtf just stop reading when I realised AI wrote this and bs questions.

Kirk Schwarz said, 1703109457

Russ Freeman said

Kirk Schwarz said

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.


 What are they?

Awww c'mon! You know I'm lazy... this stings!

Mostly sensible and inoffensive. 

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1703109617

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.


But yeah, find me a writer who isn't using AI at the moment.


They aren't writers. They are users of software e.g. If I specify a car on Ford's website, it does not make me an auto manufacturer.

Telling these LLMs to write an article about AI and photography does not make me a writer.

If you are a writer, then you'd do well to learn the difference between an LLM and AI.

The Jaron Lanier book and article are worth the candle.

Gothic Image said, 1703109635

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Precisely, and it's really easy to tell.  A bit of a giveaway ...

Gothic Image said, 1703109711

Barney57 said

Russ Freeman said

Unfocussed Mike said

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Don't tell my boss!  But yeah, find me a writer who isn't using AI at the moment.

I am going to be blunt, and I am going to use a swearword, but it is in the interests of furthering a debate:

The bit in bold is a bullshit cop-out.

Don't use AI. Write your own words. Own your writing.

Nailed it.


+2 !!!

Kirk Schwarz said, 1703109926

Russ Freeman said

CalmNudes said

B17fan said

Written by human or machine, after two lines I'd had enough..........

TWO ?? I  stopped in the first line.  And from here I got to the OP's profile to hide their forum posts hence forth

Unfocussed Mike said

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Don't tell my boss!  But yeah, find me a writer who isn't using AI at the moment.

I am going to be blunt, and I am going to use a swearword, but it is in the interests of furthering a debate:

The bit in bold is a bullshit cop-out.

Don't use AI. Write your own words. Own your writing.

Why should make the effort to read something couldn't make the effort to write. Got an idea? Express it in your own words. If you can't do that, STFU.  I'd like to see a short posting ban for posting GPT or similar generated stuff as ones own (as happens with pictures), until then it's very few clicks to block those who serve bots. 

I think ridicule is good.

Ridicule Poirot: solving crimes everyone thinks are dumb

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1703110035

Kirk Schwarz said

Russ Freeman said

Kirk Schwarz said

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.


 What are they?

Awww c'mon! You know I'm lazy... this stings!

Mostly sensible and inoffensive. 

Ugh, summary;

  1. Self-regulation
  2. Violations of community guidelines will be removed (no change)
  3. **Throws hands in the air** "We don't know what we will do when swamped with AI garbage any more than we did/do with copyrighted material. Good luck, thanks for all the dolphins."

Kirk Schwarz said, 1703110141

Russ Freeman said

Kirk Schwarz said

Russ Freeman said

Kirk Schwarz said

YouTube has recently announced guidelines around AI content.


 What are they?

Awww c'mon! You know I'm lazy... this stings!

Mostly sensible and inoffensive. 

Ugh, summary;

  1. Self-regulation
  2. Violations of community guidelines will be removed (no change)
  3. **Throws hands in the air** "We don't know what we will do when swamped with AI garbage any more than we did/do with copyrighted material. Good luck, thanks for all the dolphins."

Pretty much. Labelling is the big revelation - despite it being usually more than apparent. 

Huw said, 1703111372

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.


Took one sentence to realise:

"In today's modern world, teeming with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and its integration into various facets of our lives, the role of a photographer stands at an intriguing crossroads. "

31 words of verbal diarrhoea to say "Fings are changing in photography".


Skill is in saying things that matter clearly and with the minimum number of necessary words.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1703129475

Amor Lucis said

Russ Freeman said

It looks like ChatGPT wrote that.

Even at very basic level to fine-tune, spellcheck, grammar check and more, it's all AI driven.

Incidentally this is the more nuanced cop-out that I see photographers using the equivalent of.

The question is: are spelling-checkers, readability checkers and grammar-checkers really using "AI"?  

It's feasible to use grammar-rules-based systems (parsers) to check and adjust spelling, grammar and reading level.

Yes, there was a point of development where those rules-based systems began to use inferencing rules (and even languages like Prolog) that are common in weak AI systems (called "expert systems" when I was at uni in the 90s).

But those rules aren't far off the techniques used by the kind of rules engines used to decide on your car insurance quote -- the ones that make an inference of the kind of driver someone is based on their age, gender and the number of claims they've made while driving a 1996 Fiat Punto Cabriolet*.

The photography equivalent of this argument is the "content-aware fill, auto-levels, matrix metering, face and eye-tracking are AI too" argument, which we now see all over the place.

Content-aware fill perhaps might be using AI generation now, in 2023, but the brilliantly clever statistical algorithm it sprang from has been implemented procedurally without any AI techniques in many packages for more than 15 years. Auto levels might look intelligent but it's usually somewhere between brain-numbingly simple and vaguely pattern-driven. Matrix metering uses a rapid statistical comparison against a database of scenes to choose a weight. Eye and face tracking probably is a weak-AI system (likely a deep convolutional neural network), but even that is guided by scene patterns in a database and a set of rough mathematical guides about facial proportions that have been known by artists for a thousand years.

These -- like the spelling and grammar tools you mentioned -- are at best classical weak-AI editing tools that work directly on a single human input and control a single parameter/dimension of it. They barely meet the definition; they are all only a step away from just being called statistical algorithms.

To use the existence of these kinds of established tools to prop up a justification for lazily generating whole pieces of  content using GANs (ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E, whatever) is as lazy as using the tools themselves.

They aren't the same, and you know they aren't the same, otherwise people wouldn't be so excited by the newfound potential for using them to cut corners.

* I wrote all of this bollocks by hand, and edited it. But this, if nothing else, is how you know I didn't use ChatGPT. There's no way some software product trained by Silicon Valley twentysomethings would have come up with this.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

Bear Necessities Studios said, 1703136370

I wish people would grow up and stop buying the crap tech companies hype to inflate stocks.

AI is a low grade entertainment app for normies with zero skills. I use it for disposable art in my rpg games with my friends.

Edited by Bear Necessities Studios