Plagiarism isn’t a crime in photography
Unfocussed Mike said, 1667502327
FiL said
Occasionally I take photos of the milky way. You won't believe how many other feckers can be found copying my photos.
They could at least vary it a bit. Stand a little closer, shoot side on, take two steps to the right...
Edited by Unfocussed Mike
Unfocussed Mike said, 1667502358
Koburg Official said
Ray Duckworth Photography said
Same venue, but different composition and so I would question plagiarism!
Couldn't you have at least asked the bridge to do a different pose this time? 😉
Koburg Andersen said, 1667502476
Unfocussed Mike said
Not even when it's payed?
Unfocussed Mike said, 1667502477
Tabitha Boydell said
Can't believe this naming and shaming thread has lasted 90 mins. Admin have been on the thread as my comment has been buried, but the thread that also breaks the rules is allowed to stand?
I still don't know what the intent of the post was. As Koburg Official says -- was it a joke, or an allegation?
Unfocussed Mike said, 1667502521
Koburg Official said
Unfocussed Mike said
Not even when it's payed?
It has to be arty. You know, standing in a stream next to a pretty house or something.
JonC said, 1667502587
This is outrageous. Whenever I take a shot of a well known tourist location, I always do extensive research on the millions of shots that have already been taken of that site and ensure that my shot is completely original and nothing like any of those millions of prior images. Or I might just take the shot. Depends. (Ok, it’s been a long day!).
Unfocussed Mike said, 1667502625
Bou Bede said
Unfocussed Mike it looks from Google maps like you can really only stand on the road next to the bridge to take that shot.
I did look for hopes of doing self photography there but it would be impossible I think and I can't see a way down to the Riverside unless you're scrambling which I'm too old for. Lol
There are probably three little dents in the dirt from the tripods.
BLA@K said, 1667502647
Gothic Image said
How many photographers on here shoot nudes at a particular well-known viaduct? :-)
fantastic bit of brickwork :)
bad john said
How many have shot the inside of a lens cap?
some of my finest work
bad john said
How many have shot the inside of a lens cap?
Len's cap a speciality
Bergman Greenstreet said, 1667502726
Should've gone to Specsavers.
Of course we have had cases on here and instagram where people have tried to pass off the work of others as their own. So it pays to be vigilant.
one_tc said, 1667502987
Instagram Repeats
Or if you want a wider selection of subjects
Evie Kedavra said, 1667503138
Tabitha Boydell I honestly think with Ray's consent the post should stay, it's broken so many rules but at the same time; it shows how the PP community can pull together to call out complete bullshite when needed.
Gothic Image said, 1667503142
Koburg Official said
Unfocussed Mike said
Not even when it's payed?
Bare with me ...
Sensual Art said, 1667503704
bad john said
How many have shot the inside of a lens cap?
Only ever on Velvia - the blacks are so much better.
Perception said, 1667504453
It would be easy to kinda rubbish the exact situation here as being plagiarism, but it does make me think in more complex situations; what is plagiarism and what isn't. Flour shots are something that that spring to mind as I remember years ago somebody kind of come to mini fame because of them (ive no idea if they where the first), but now everybody's doing them and probably people never consider that copying, and its such a copied thing it would be even hard to find who even started it now. But even "model shots with flour being flung about" is an idea, but its *maybe not specific and unique enough to be concerned about if your also wanting to do your own take on "model shots with flour being flung about"
I think it needs to be quite an iconic and specific photograph before id worry im copying, kind of like Man Rays Kiki de Montparnasse as an extreme example. Ive no idea where the line is between something that's so general and with little noticable unique take on the subject to something that is very specific and unique and really shouldn't be copied an passed off as your own.
Edited by Perception
FiL said, 1667504930
Perception said
It would be easy to kinda rubbish the exact situation here as being plagiarism, but it does make me think in more complex situations; what is plagiarism and what isn't. Flour shots are something that that spring to mind as I remember years ago somebody kind of come to mini fame because of them (ive no idea if they where the first), but now everybody's doing them and probably people never consider that copying, and its such a copied thing it would be even hard to find who even started it now. But even "model shots with flour being flung about" is an idea, but its *maybe not specific and unique enough to be concerned about if your also wanting to do your own take on "model shots with flour being flung about"
I think it needs to be quite an iconic and specific photograph before id worry im copying, kind of like Man Rays Kiki de Montparnasse as an extreme example. Ive no idea where the line is between something that's so general and with no unique take on the subject to something that is very specific and unique and really shouldn't be copied an passed off as your own.
Hmmm the ubiquity of flour shoots.
.. I'm just waiting for the day people here discover milk dress shoots.