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Photography show NEC this September



By HorrifyMeUK, 1656935462

I will be at the Photography show this September at the NEC doing makeup demos and providing scary things for people to shoot! So bring your camera! If any of you are going then do come and say hello and maybe grab a copy of my horrific book (I'll do a discount to PP folk if you mention it on the day) :)

See you there!

Gothic Image said, 1656935832

I'll be there as usual - hotel all booked!  :-)

StuArtful2 said, 1659125868

I usually go every year but I didn't get my free ticket in the post this year :( Have they stopped supplying free passes to those working in the industry?

GT Images said, 1659133571

I’m booked to go and as my ticket is an open ticket I’m planning on visiting on either the Monday or the Tuesday, most likely the Tuesday, are you there every day as being a great admirer of your skills I’d love to put a face to the name and maybe trigger a few shots!

Steve Spurgin said, 1659137566

StuArtful2 said

I usually go every year but I didn't get my free ticket in the post this year :( Have they stopped supplying free passes to those working in the industry?

I chased mine up and they said if you missed a year they wouldn't send a reminder, I have always had to reply to the reminder I never got a pass sent without re applying.  I didn't apply last year as the show was on a much smaller scale and covid was a lot worse.

Gothic Image said, 1661431648

Canon are currently offering a 20% discount on tickets to the show for those who may be interested?

lanman said, 1662127378

Looking forward to it.  Now that I live in Portugal rather than the US it will be a little easier to attend in the future.

Craig Hall said, 1662129462

I'll be there! Come look you up!

I am also wondering where my free pro ticket is as well...

SBImages said, 1662135403

Yep, this has reminded me that my ticket hasn't arrived.  Always go on the Monday as there are less peeps......

Gothic Image said, 1662136552

I'm on stand N601, the iPF Store.

HorrifyMeUK said, 1662139165

Sadly my plans have changed and I now can't go :(

Waaaahhhhhhhhh :(

Gothic Image said, 1662139583

HorrifyMeUK said

Sadly my plans have changed and I now can't go :(

Waaaahhhhhhhhh :(

Better cancel the show, then.  :-(

Steve Spurgin said, 1662220201

Has anyone received there badge yet, my last email back in June said "Your badge will be dispatched at least two weeks prior to the show unless you have missed the post deadline in which case, please bring a print-out of the attached PDF badge with you to the show."  Luckily I guess I have the pdf copy and have emailed them today to see if there is a general delay.

f16 photography said, 1662220514

I don't remember seeing mine in the post yet.

I remember some previous years it arrived months before and I had to remember where I'd put it!

MidgePhoto said, 1662234485

HorrifyMeUK said

I will be at the Photography show this September at the NEC doing makeup demos and providing scary things for people to shoot! So bring your camera! If any of you are going then do come and say hello and maybe grab a copy of my horrific book (I'll do a discount to PP folk if you mention it on the day) :)

See you there!

Alas,  I'm away.  next year perhaps.

Gothic Image said, 1662820341

For info, the organisers have just sent this email to exhibitors:

We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, on 8 September. Our thoughts and condolences go out to all members of the Royal Family at this time. 

As the funeral and a National Day of Mourning is likely to take place during one of our show open days, we would like to update you on our plan.  

We feel the only fitting, and right thing to do, is to close our doors for that day to allow all our visitors, exhibitors and staff to pay their respects. We hope you understand that decision. 

Therefore, the show will run, as planned for 3 days, but we will be closed on the day the funeral takes place. While it is a sad situation out of anyone's control we understand that being open for 3 days rather than 4 could have an impact on your commercial return from the show. With that in mind we will offer all affected exhibitors a 25% credit toward their stand at the next event.

Planned train strikes and the cost of living crisis have already given their own challenges to our visitors, therefore we feel attendance will be impacted compared to previous years. However rest assured we will deliver an incredible show, with high quality visitors and we look forward to seeing you onsite.