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Ringing the changes (image heavy - NSFW)


By PhotoClassic, 1638138613

Hi all,

Just a heads up for anyone who has attended any of my events, or anyone who has thought of doing so but not got round to it.

I have decided to call it a day after my February 2022 Winter Nudes in the Landscape Experience and April 2022 Art Nude in the Landscape Experience; so if anyone is interested, these two will be the last chance to take part in one.

I started organising events just to share my passion for photography around 2004 or 2005 and by 2007 I had decided to make them a regular part of my business and ran the first Art Nude in the Landscape in December 2007.  Over the years I added several others in many different genres but they were never intended to be a big money maker; in fact I lost money most of the time on them (sometimes rather a lot!) but I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing the experience with others and watching photographers at all levels of ability take what they need from my events to add something to their own repertoire.

I have had the privilege of watching some of the most amazing, talented and dedicated models help create unbelievable image opportunities for my delegates and many models have returned time and again and become lasting friends and team mates.  I have also had several photographers return for additional helpings, which is very flattering indeed.  I am especially delighted that there are still photographers moving forward with their art, who joined me all those years ago at the start and some insanely talented current photographers, who still found something worthwhile in attending. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported my journey but I hit 60 next year and the sheer amount of work, planning and stress that goes into organising and running these events has been taking its toll lately, especially with Covid-19 causing repeated cancellation and re-scheduling nightmares, so I have decided now is a good time to step back.

I am looking forward to these last two events and hope to make them really special.  If you want to be part of one of them, we currently have five spaces remaining on the Winter Nudes in the landscape and three spaces on the Art Nude in the Landscape. Please get in touch.

Now to make this thread a little more interesting, I'll share a few images from the past. :-)


Freezing Dawn at Quinag / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Rachelle Summers, Assisted by Batwoman, Assisted by Suraci / Uploaded 3rd April 2021 @ 11:01 PM

Rachelle Summers freezing her arse off in the name of art in 2013 (The coldest Easter on record) in the first of so many events together


Rebirth / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Helen Stephens / Uploaded 28th April 2014 @ 08:59 PM

Helen Stephens created one of my favourite images during our 2014 Art Nude in the Landscape


Beach Ecstasy / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Lulu Lockhart / Uploaded 14th July 2014 @ 11:27 PM

Lulu Lockhart producing a modelling masterclass on our Evening on the Sand


Lost Memories / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Roswell Ivory, Taken at RedDawn Photography Studio / Uploaded 20th July 2015 @ 11:35 PM

Roswell Ivory making the infamous Christine Keeler set her own during our Shooting Shapes


I want to break free / Photography by Batwoman, Models Helen Stephens, Models PhotoClassic, Taken at RedDawn Photography Studio / Uploaded 27th January 2019 @ 08:54 PM

Helen Stephens skewering yours truly during our "Helen and the Hitman" Film Noir


Three of a Kind / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Helen Stephens, Post processing by PhotoClassic, Taken at RedDawn Photography Studio, Designer PhotoClassic, Assisted by Batwoman / Uploaded 13th November 2016 @ 07:24 PM

Helen Stephens x3, as Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean on our Multiple Magic


Tsavo and the Werehuskies / Photography by PhotoClassic, Models Helen Stephens, Models Keira Lavelle, Models Rachelle Summers, Models Scarlot Rose / Uploaded 9th November 2019 @ 06:04 PM

Helen Stephens, Scarlot Rose, Rachelle Summers, Tsavo and Keira Lavelle on our 2019 Art Nude in the Landscape


The Ladykillers - lighting test / Photography by PhotoClassic, Models Artemis Fauna, Models Suraci, Designer PhotoClassic / Uploaded 23rd August 2016 @ 12:03 AM

My great friend and awesome photographer, Jason (Suraci) with Artemis Fauna during our "The Ladykillers" Film Noir


Escape From The Land That Time Forgot / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Keira Lavelle, Assisted by Batwoman, Assisted by Suraci / Uploaded 28th April 2019 @ 11:41 PM

Keira Lavelle at the Wailing Widow Waterfall during our Art Nude in the Landscape


Dipping a Toe / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Tillie Feather / Uploaded 25th April 2014 @ 01:59 AM

Tillie Feather during and unseasonally warm Easter for our Art Nude in the Landscape 2014


Arrival / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Nicole Rayner, Assisted by Batwoman / Uploaded 1st July 2017 @ 03:01 AM

Nicole Rayner during our Nude on the Rocks


Alien / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Scarlot Rose, Taken at RedDawn Photography Studio / Uploaded 17th July 2017 @ 08:12 AM

Scarlot Rose pulling some amazing shapes during our Shooting Shapes


Connection Reflection / Photography by PhotoClassic, Models Cariad Celis, Models Rachelle Summers, Taken at PhotoClassic, Assisted by Batwoman, Assisted by Suraci / Uploaded 1st November 2018 @ 11:56 PM

Cariad Celis and Rachelle Summers on our Autumn Beauty


Grab Life By The Balls / Photography by PhotoClassic, Taken at RedDawn Photography Studio / Uploaded 18th June 2016 @ 11:23 PM

Irida S grabbing life by the balls during our Shooting Shapes


Vertigo / Photography by PhotoClassic, Model Keira Lavelle, Assisted by Batwoman / Uploaded 17th January 2017 @ 07:25 PM

Keira Lavelle...being Keira Lavelle ;-)


Lamentation / Photography by PhotoClassic, Models Keira Lavelle, Models Rachelle Summers, Post processing by PhotoClassic, Assisted by Batwoman / Uploaded 21st April 2017 @ 10:10 PM

Rachelle Summers and Keira Lavelle creating magic during our Art Nude in the Landscape 


I'm not disappearing entirely from the scene; I will still shoot occasionally for myself after this and any touring models visiting the area are welcome to contact me about using our spare room to save on accommodation costs.  Thanks again to everyone who has been part of this wild ride and apologies if I have missed anyone out.



Edited by PhotoClassic

parkway said, 1638139185

stunning pictures, I hope you can edit the thread so they show up so everyone can see!

PhotoClassic said, 1638139294

parkway said

stunning pictures, I hope you can edit the thread so they show up so everyone can see!

Done thanks :-)

I was sure you used to be able to just post the image url and the system did the rest but maybe I'm getting forgetful too :-D

parkway said, 1638139566

they look absolutely stunning all together there. definite wowsers! glad u were able to get the links sorted. brilliant stuff.

PhotoClassic said, 1638139699

Thank you :-)

parkway said, 1638140433

.. a fascinating portfolio aswell, very inspiring!

Zara_Lee said, 1638176871

Beautiful images!

DavidBallard said, 1638177619

Stunning images and a lovely portfolio!!

PhotoClassic said, 1638362044

Zara_Lee said

Beautiful images!

DavidBallard said

Stunning images and a lovely portfolio!!

Thank you very much :-)

It helps to work with the right people for your style ;-)

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1638362972

Really nice images, even if some did make me feel colder in my already cold office, brrr!

It's super easy to create a share-a-shoot from Image Manager by selecting the images you want and then clicking the button above the image list. You still get complete control over the content and can move them around, but doing it that way would result in clickable images that can also be loved in place.

PhotoClassic said, 1638363416

Russ Freeman said

Really nice images, even if some did make me feel colder in my already cold office, brrr!

It's super easy to create a share-a-shoot from Image Manager by selecting the images you want and then clicking the button above the image list. You still get complete control over the content and can move them around, but doing it that way would result in clickable images that can also be loved in place.


I'll try and remember that next time :-)

PhotoClassic said, 1639179532

Now 4 spaces remaining on the Winter Nudes in the Landscape

PhotoClassic said, 1645306812

One down, just one to go...

Massive thanks to Rachelle Summers and Eowyn Luna for a truly spectacular performance during our Winter Nudes in the Landscape Experience.

Rachelle will also be modelling on our final event, Art Nude in the Landscape Experience, over the Easter weekend. Alongside Rachelle will be Evalana and Amethyst .

There are still spaces available :-)  PM for details