Using a film camera


The Ghost said, 1602329758

Argentic said

R’hllor I picked up a few rolls of out of date Redscale film, just shot the one so far and it could be interesting to use.

I figured with autumn upon us, redscale would be ideal. Metropolis seems appropriate for bleak weather and deserted modern architecture. The Purple I have no idea what to do with it but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it!

Hardwick said, 1602333345


I generally have little interest in colour photography but these Lomography films have sparked some curiosity.  I do love the look of the Metropolis film, it will be interesting to see what you do with the Purple, I've been tempted to try both.

This one was shot with my old Konica Pop snapshot camera before I had a swim in the lake, I quite like the crappy low res scan.  I have another roll of 35mm and a couple of 120.

Seank said, 1602339951

Having been born barely pre-millenium, I've grown up on a mixture of digital cameras and single use film cameras. I shoot both film and digital in parallel and think neither is better than the other. It all boils down to the old 'it's just another tool' adage. Digital is great for super sharp, super cleans images, fast autofocus, extremely high exposure latitudes, and lots of room for editing. Analogue is great for having the unique looks of different film stocks, pleasant looking images, and that classic nostalgic look of grainy films but horrible in terms of cost per image.

That being said, film is making a comeback in the same manner as vinyl records. People whose parents shot photos of them on film, but then grew up using digital cameras, are now seeking the nostalgia of film which can't be fully replicated just with editing. Even Kim Kardashian is using a Contax T2 and shooting on film.

Timmee said, 1602342975

Well...if Kim Kardashian is doing it - where do I sign up? 😜

Mike H. said, 1602365384

Huw said

£200 for the camera - now to sort a used lens...

Ffordes is probably where I'd start? Or MrCad.

Then maybe Secondhand Darkroom (who've been around for donkeys years), or Camley Photographic (who are on eBay as well, and seem to be doing reputable business).

Fair number of Angulons/Super Angulons/Wollensak Raptars and the like out there. Looked at this when I was assessing whether to adapt (or get adapted) a 5x4 system like the Chroma.

Been looking at the Dora Goodman stuff in the last few days!