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Animated GIF's



By Jeffstu, 1585772999

I've been having a play with a set of images i took for making into a gif.

Lessons learnt 

- Use a tripod
- Find a position that is easier to hold

What do you think? Have you done any? If so post them.


Edited by Jeffstu

lesterC said, 1585775493

Hey that's rather clever and something I'd love to try but am not sure where to begin :(

Jeffstu said, 1585776042

lesterC said

Hey that's rather clever and something I'd love to try but am not sure where to begin :(

Essentially burst mode on the camera to get a bunch of shots then followed an online tutorial for photoshop to create the gif

Use a tripod, i didn't and had to align each image

lesterC said, 1585776276

Sounds good thanks, could you take a series of single shots and then animate them?

Jeffstu said, 1585776493

lesterC said

Sounds good thanks, could you take a series of single shots and then animate them?

Yeah, that's all this is.

Tricks of Six said, 1585776607

Random question, what is the turntable you're using? I've always wanted to get a turntable/lazy susan that could support a person on it but most of them are designed for cakes :D

waist.it said, 1585776959

lesterC said

Sounds good thanks, could you take a series of single shots and then animate them?


The lovely Kirsten Ria - sadly no longer on Purpleport. Created using GIMP-GAP plugin for GIMP https://gimp.org

Edited by waist.it

Jeffstu said, 1585776888

Tricks of Six said

Random question, what is the turntable you're using? I've always wanted to get a turntable/lazy susan that could support a person on it but most of them are designed for cakes :D


Darkside original said, 1585777017

Love giffs the tiger king ones at the min are killing me so funny

lesterC said, 1585777242

Jeffstu Great thanks will give it a go, like the weight lifting that works a treat

waist.it said, 1585777585

No need for turntable. Place camera on tripod, ideally with some sort of remote control. The just do this...

  • explain the sequence to the model,
  • put a tiny reference mark on the floor,
  • make sure there are plenty of mirrors around so model can position herself accurately between shots
  • and ideally find a model who is also a classically trained dancer and can place herself with millimetric precision! lol :-)

I find that dancers particularly seem to enjoy doing these "twirly girl" things... :-)

Edited by waist.it

lesterC said, 1585777976

They're all 'giftastic' I'd like to try a foot fetish theme, with the model slowly removing a sock or unbuckling her shoe and then wiggling her tootsies :)

waist.it said, 1585778708

lesterC said

They're all 'giftastic' I'd like to try a foot fetish theme, with the model slowly removing a sock or unbuckling her shoe and then wiggling her tootsies :)

Again, try to find someone who has some dance training. If you are doing stop-frame, precision is king. :-)

Also, if you intend the animation to repeat smoothly, then your model really needs to return to the position she started from - if that makes sense?

Edited by waist.it

Jeffstu said, 1585778562


Turn table just happened to be at the studio

Shall have to try with a mark on the ground

And one suspended