Is it just me or is there a growing divide between models and photographers (especially on the forums)?


JPea said, 1548859711

Dragonlady said

Heheh... you may need it! :) 

You wouldn't hit a man with glasses would you??

Dragonlady said, 1548859790

As women, it's culturally discouraged for us to have, or (worse) to voice, an opinion - this has a big effect on young women. We often get tired of this kind of thing as we get older, more confident and have less to lose from censure, and learn to disregard it.

So, you'll get less posts from women on the whole. Of those posts, more will likely be from older women, and also from the women that were strong-minded enough to overcome this sort of disapproval in the first place. Note that some of us are both... :)

Dragonlady said, 1548859943

JPea said

Dragonlady said

Heheh... you may need it! :) 

You wouldn't hit a man with glasses would you??

Nope, I'd take 'em off first, and put 'em down somewhere safe...  

JPea said, 1548860119

Dragonlady said

JPea said

Dragonlady said

Heheh... you may need it! :) 

You wouldn't hit a man with glasses would you??

Nope, I'd take 'em off first, and put 'em down somewhere safe...  

Thank you. Most considerate.!!!

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1548860535

I only check profiles before replying to people when it's pertinent. In terms of the forum I don't distinguish between account types or gender.

Whenever I see words like 'misyogny' or 'mansplaining' my eyes glaze over and I can't take people seriously. It's just 'crybullying' in my opinion.

Edited by K.M.

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1548860626

gjp said

I will probably be battered for being a ‘white knight’, but I personally don’t like the way I see the forums and atmosphere going, so wanted to say something.

Only if you seek favour from the ladies. That's just another word used to shut down conversation (see my above comment).

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1548862027


Dictionary result for tribalism


  1. the state or fact of being organized in a tribe or tribes.
    • DEROGATORYthe behaviour and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group.

Taz75 said, 1548862966

The forums are used by only a small number of people and in general, so there is more of a chance of encountering the nasties. There used to be a fair few established models who posted in the forums but now that the world is a little more polarised and each thread seem to end up a little too aggressive than before, this serves as a deterant for many.

Billy Cee.. said, 1548863056

Gerry99111 said

Most of the problem I see is people using the forums to tell others what they should and shouldn't do.

It's always been like that.

Maybe people are deciding to then take these arguments on Facebook which is incredibly toxic more often.

It's the Facebook ranting that I recon is making it seem more divided.

That and that photographers and models are far more diverse and less tied to each other.

I actually think your spot on here reference Facebook,  I seem to see far more people who don't get there own way on this site running off to Facebook and starting a let's all hate Purpleport post , and the funny thing is within a matter of a few minutes all the people who, and for what ever reason have been removed from Purpleport are all chipping in and slagging the site off,  these kinds of Facebook posts make for some entertainment with some of the comments I've seen written ,  so much so I'm sure the writers of Shameless could pen some great scripts for a new TV series. ..:d 

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1548863661

Russ Freeman said


Going forward I do wish more people would post, and I wish people would remember where they are posting and be mindful about that. I also wish people would report posts more so that people who are aggressive in the groups can have a cooling off period.

To what extent are the Groups moderated? I've only seen fit to report a couple of comments in the last year but I have noticed a significant reduction in posts being buried.

People are either better behaved or I've grown accustomed to it. There were only two accounts I considered a blight on the forums and they seem to have stopped contributing voluntarily. The third was permanently banned and their spectre is still evoked during particularly contentious debates.

Edited by K.M.

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1548864514

In total I have reported:

One instance of misinterpreted banter when someone insulted themselves using an alternate account.

A model was breaking so many rules I assumed it was a fake troll account trying to cause havoc e.g. saying: "**** yourself you ******* idiot" (buried, multiple instances)

One image for being inappropriate (buried)

Someone for vile personal attacks aimed at me (specific comment was buried)

Someone for having a go at a group for their immutable characteristics (no action taken, but in hindsight I wouldn't have reported and they seem to have reconsidered their approach since)


Edited by K.M.

mph said, 1548864653

Tiny Tog said

I find the forums are getting less toxic than they were.

There are some famously obnoxious cockwonbles that no longer stalk the forums. Is the politics forum still as "informative" as it used to be?

It's all peace and light!

:) ;) ;) (so long as you don't mind being to go and fuck yourself if you post an opposite opinion...) :)

Claret said, 1548869248

Malbon +1 I have only had reason to report something a couple of times but each time admin reacted very swiftly and provided feedback as well. Can’t ask for more than that really.

John VonGeezer said, 1548935014

Artemis Fauna said

I know what you mean Graham...but in all honestly the forums have always been a bit of a war zone at times, haha.

My first introduction to the forums (any forum) was on PureStorm in 2009...I very quickly got the impression a models opinion meant bugger all and the general vibe was if we dared to comment on anything photographic related we were stuck up/ didn't actually have a valid opinion worth sharing. 

I remember commenting on someone's share a shoot all those years ago, I loved the images but I was curious what a different crop might look like on the images. I vividly recall the barrage of abuse I got back for being 'cheeky' enough to suggest a different crop- who did I think I was?! I remember mentioning I was just joining in with the discussions like everyone else was...and as I was studying art I figured my opinion might have been valid...An early lesson in how forums can be.

Over the years I have wasted tooooo many hours on forums. I used to get really involved in things, I wanted to share my opinion on things- like everyone else did- but in doing so I got labelled argumentative/ scary/ a bitch, haha, just because I didn't always stay quiet and simply stood my ground/ got involved in discussions. 

It was a frustrating few years in my early days as I was pretty young/ still learning and could never get my head around the attitudes on the forums towards some models/ younger people in general. It baffled me completely and used to wind me up no end- probably why I was more argumentative- as I was pretty pissed off at the crap models can get and I felt it was unfairly dished out. I mean, I often thought, this guy just called me 'fat' and 'butch'- does he not have a wife, a daughter around my age perhaps? How might he feel if some 50 year old on the internet was calling his daughter butch and fat? Why is he doing it to me? Why did people tell me over and over I would never go anywhere in this bubble, that I had nothing to give? In a way I am glad the bastards gave me a hard time, because it lit a fire under my ass to prove the morons wrong. :)

I still get frustrated at times, but I realise now, being older, that a lot of the trolls on PP are just sad losers with nothing better to do than wind people up and get some kind of thrill from it. It's pretty pathetic and I pity them now.

Sooo....I'm really not sure if it's worse now, I had a pretty rough ride almost a decade ago so many my opinion is a bit skewed- I just never gave up ;) I think it's just different now- different things to argue about, to moan about. Different things we all do that piss people off, more people using the internet to let off steam etc ;) 

Now to get on with my chores and to-do list, fun fun! :P 


I remember all that!

PS forums were ruled by that paedo Nick Giles and his malevolent sidekick with a coterie of fawning lickspittles that gleefully joined in whenever their leader needed them.

It just goes to show - a model can stand up and be counted, have opinions and argue them - and still be one of the most booked models around. Most decent people wouldn't boycott someone for having a different opinion. Even an uppity slip of a girl. Its such a shame that so many models seem reluctant to speak put on the forums for fear of losing bookings, I have a 19 yo daughter and hope that ive taught her to always stand her ground, if it loses her work then she might just have dodged a bullet - who would want to work with someone so pathetically inadequate that they can only work with fawning sycophants?

I am more likely to book people that I notice - even if I don't particularly like what they say. To me a strong streak of independence and a willingness to voice an opinion go hand in hand with natural confidence and all the best models are rather gobby at times. Im sure there is a correlation.

J.S. creative images. said, 1548939451

As you can see you question is never going to be answered on the forums fully you need to see the bigger picture most models and photographers get along well and respect one another

but there will always be a few that do not.