Is it just me or is there a growing divide between models and photographers (especially on the forums)?


Nardo said, 1548806249

Wherever you go on the internet there are always friendly people and complete jerks. I personally haven’t seen a divide on Purpleport myself, but I keep it pretty light hearted and don’t get to wrapped up in it, sometimes i don’t even get a chance to read some of the crazy stuff mentioned on here. Regardless there are some things not worth pursuing or arguing about, especially since everything you do online can be referenced back to you at a later date. Be nice to people and ignore the a$$holes....

Dragica said, 1548808498

I'm a model and I am posting once every while with a question that arises, mostly because I haven't been on here for a long time. But, especially on my latest post, I was surprised to see how friendly everyone was with their reply and/or advice. (Even though my post was quite some brutal honesty).

I do see a lot more photographers who reply on the forums though. I don't know if this is a product of the active group or just a general given but I don't feel as if it's divided in a negative way.

Natural Happy Woman said, 1548811911

IainT said

It’s only on the forums. Most models would rather have root canal than contribute to the forums as the former is probably less hassle and pain.

Probably less than 1% of the membership actively contribute to the forums. It’s not necessarily an indicator of true feelings of the majority.


Natural Happy Woman said, 1548812272

Oh, and, an example right now why women don't bother to contribute...mansplaining....
So I literally comment twice in general chat, and then go back to my thread where I'm clearing out clothes,
and someone from this thread has to come along to the for sale thread and tell me I can't avoid my tax, seriously?!!
As I've said above, I'm avoiding my tax return, like other people with better things to do with their lives than tedious admin,
but on second thoughts maybe it IS more enjoyable than interacting here...

FFS these forums! 

Womanly said, 1548813943

Natural Happy Woman

I agree with you about the mansplaining comment.

There's a lot of evidence to suggest misogynistic behaviour in abundance, rules the forums and I'm afraid that I'm prepared to retaliate, just like I do in real life situations.

Forums are just real people making comments about themselves and real life situations.

We're all different and the forum reflects those differences.

Good to see you having a successful clear out. I need to do the same thing. Hope you managed to sell most of it. I loved your response to the tax avoidance remark.

Good for you.

Edited by WomanlyWench

Edited by WomanlyWench

Natural Happy Woman said, 1548814575

WomanlyWench said

Natural Happy Woman

I agree with you about the mansplaining comment.

There's a lot of evidence to suggest misogynistic behaviour in abundance, rules the forums and I'm afraid that I'm prepared to retaliate, just like I do in real life situations.

Forums are just real people making comments about themselves and real life situations.

We're all different and the forum reflects those differences.

Good to see you having a successful clear out. I need to do the same thing. Hope you managed to sell most of it. I loved your response to the tax avoidance remark.

Good for you.

Edited by WomanlyWench

Edited by WomanlyWench

Lovely to hear from you, a really encouraging and supportive post on so many levels...
could restore my faith in forums if there was more of this about...
I've spent a lot of my life being nice/polite, and it's been a journey to learn to stand up for myself a little bit..
I generally avoid it because I don't want the aggravation/loss of energy...

but of course I'm avoiding the boring admin so up for it tonight, lolo!!

x thankyou x

Womanly said, 1548814748


Busy people in general can find the time to use the forums often especially with unlimited Internet access that they can access throughout their busy working day.

Take for example Alan Sugar and Donald Trump, to name just two VERY busy people who comment in online forums frequently.

Edited by WomanlyWench

gjp said, 1548829362

Natural Happy Woman said

Hey Graham,
I don't normally even look at the forums because I think they can be rather toxic...
I realised that it wasn't worth my energy to come on and get upset about the misogynists 
or try and talk reasonably to people that are just aggressive...

If anyone's found the forums a difficult place then just remember that the few that like the sound of their own voice do not represent the majority!!
There are many thousands of members here and most of us get along without trouble..
there will be always be issues..
and there will always be bollo**s sputed on internet forums....

I'm currently avoiding doing my tax return so made the unwise move to open general chat and saw your name..

so here I am saying hi to one of the bestest guys- helllooo!!!

I think in some ways there could be a growing divide, in the sense that as many models gain control
of their image/content they have less need for photographers...and this can generate bad feeling...

But I'm sure I don't speak for just myself when I say that many models will remain interested in
classy shoots with lovely photographers even if they are also producing their own content.

x namaste x

Good to hear from you in the forums and glad I could help the procrastination :)

I think the fact that models are gaining control of content etc. through sites like only fans does seem to have put some photographers noses out of joint - I say fair play to them 

You are right in that it is a vocal number, but they seem to be getting louder and keeping others from the forums.

My hope is it doesn’t put models of participating and off PP totally

gjp said, 1548829608

IainT said

It’s only on the forums. Most models would rather have root canal than contribute to the forums as the former is probably less hassle and pain.

Probably less than 1% of the membership actively contribute to the forums. It’s not necessarily an indicator of true feelings of the majority.

Your first point is very true, and very sad 

When I first started one of the reasons I looked to book shoots with models like Artemis Fauna and Sinopa Rin was not just their work but from the forums I felt the shoot would be enjoyable - without forum interaction I now don’t / can’t get that feeling of personality for new to me models without working with them

It is also good to keep being reminded of your second point :)

gjp said, 1548829636

Studio f/11 said

There are more people, so there will be more of anything that scales.

Also, over the last few and more so the last couple of years, UK society has become more angry and nastier.

Sad but true

gjp said, 1548829733

Nardo said

Wherever you go on the internet there are always friendly people and complete jerks. I personally haven’t seen a divide on Purpleport myself, but I keep it pretty light hearted and don’t get to wrapped up in it, sometimes i don’t even get a chance to read some of the crazy stuff mentioned on here. Regardless there are some things not worth pursuing or arguing about, especially since everything you do online can be referenced back to you at a later date. Be nice to people and ignore the a$$holes....

Now there is some great advice :)

gjp said, 1548829881

Dragica Janeka said

I'm a model and I am posting once every while with a question that arises, mostly because I haven't been on here for a long time. But, especially on my latest post, I was surprised to see how friendly everyone was with their reply and/or advice. (Even though my post was quite some brutal honesty).

I do see a lot more photographers who reply on the forums though. I don't know if this is a product of the active group or just a general given but I don't feel as if it's divided in a negative way.

I am really glad that you are having a positive experience in the forums and long may that continue :)

Good luck with arranging shoots through PP and I hope it works out for you

Flo X said, 1548830229

I like a white knight, and I also like your intention of spreading a little peace.


My ego tells me this.

I need both in my life. I need to shoot myself to explore my own erotica and understand my body's voice and I need a photographer to shoot me too. I am lucky that I enjoy both in rather different ways let's say... The only one condition for the latter is I get paid my good rates and I pose the way that is true to me. That is all.

this way, it is simply put on my profile and there is no misunderstanding. Those stirred away from me who would only do tfp or try make me who am not. And that is exactly how I like it.

Some photographers do not want to pay women to pose for them, some do. It is just that simple. Some who ask tfp are very good at it, some less so and makes you wonder. Some women are happy to shoot for free with anyone, some not. This is the divide.

I am my own photographer but I also need photographers to capture me well. I need both. But tfp is not for me. My expectations are so high that it most likely would lead to disappointment and I cannot risk that. The money is the one thing that I know is real. If I get amazing shots then it is a wonderful feeling for both of us. If I get some shots to me for me to share on my PP port, then even better and I am grateful for those.

Billy Cee.. said, 1548830395

I don't think I have seen any change really in the forums since I've been a member it still consists  a very mixed bag of topics, some good some not so good, some can see heated exchanges some just flow with no upset, to be honest I see far more issues on Facebook than I do hear.

gjp said, 1548830926

Natural Happy Woman said

Oh, and, an example right now why women don't bother to contribute...mansplaining....
So I literally comment twice in general chat, and then go back to my thread where I'm clearing out clothes,
and someone from this thread has to come along to the for sale thread and tell me I can't avoid my tax, seriously?!!
As I've said above, I'm avoiding my tax return, like other people with better things to do with their lives than tedious admin,
but on second thoughts maybe it IS more enjoyable than interacting here...

FFS these forums! 

Nice response though :)