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Not Bruce Forsyth's - Inspiration Game


By Andy..., 1365074711

See what I did there :) ... Yeah it's not a game 'as such' either - sorry, that was just part of the title; but I wanted to hit on inspiration a little.  We all have it to some degree, sometimes we are inspired by others, sometimes we inspire others; and that really what this thread is about.  They say there's no better compliment to your work, than someone trying to copy it... I agree with that, when someone tries to emulate your shot, that's a terrific nod to your skills.

SO... I invite you all to post up what you did because you were inspired, and again if you have been the inspiration.  The inspiration game then, is a side by side comparrison, not critique on who's is better or not, but just to see who's influences run around sites like these.

For example, I was first inspired in a HUGE way by John Farrah when I saw this image:


And while I know mine doesnt hold a light to it, I loved the idea of sequin waste, had a play and came up with:



Similarly, I had a shoot with little gem (not on this site yet) mid 2012, and came up with this:


Which has recently, intentionally or otherwise, inspired this one by "PictureThis" :


So who, or what image, has inspired you while on Purpleport, and who have you been an inspiration to.  Link to both pics if you can :o)

Edited by AndyG (C&G Mag)

Caperucita Roja said, 1365075943

She's not on Purpleport but I hope you don't mind...

Nana Rapeblossom is/was a fabulous Italian model- the most creative I've seen by far to date. I saw her portfolio and I just wanted my own to be as strange and imaginative as hers was!


I recently found new inspiration in the form of a model on here named Zex. I just find her fabulously odd in every way!


Caperucita Roja said, 1365076579

Argh just look at her... I die with envy about not having had her ideas first!

Andy... said, 1365077190

Mmmm I think people haven't got the jist of this or just didn't read the first post.

Post up your image, then
post up the image that inspired that image. 


Post up your original image, and
Post up the image it inspired next to it. 

Doesn't matter if people are on this site, or not.

Edited by AndyG (C&G Mag)

Caperucita Roja said, 1365077357

Oh oops, sorry!

Havoc said, 1365077424

I don't think "inspire" and "copy" are the same thing 0.o

Andy... said, 1365077572

Caperucita Roja said

Oh oops, sorry!

S'cool - I did find what you posted interesting and striking though, which sent my thoughts racing in another direction of creativity, so we'll see what comes of that - thank you :o)

Socialdisaster said

I don't think "inspire" and "copy" are the same thing 0.o

Quite right too, copying "plagerism" isn't an inspired image, as such, but if people are trying to clone your work, to me that's saying you did something right others are trying to emulate.  

Caperucita Roja said, 1365079305

Well, me and Kestrel had fun copying Cave of the Storm Nymphs


Andy... said, 1365080335

WOW - I LIKE !!!

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1365080467

So, I'm a HUGE fan of Jeanloup Sieff to the extent that I'm probably a bit of a bore about it hehe.


Inspired this:

I just loved the subtly of it, so gentle and beautiful.

And Robert Mapplethorpe did this self portrait:

So we did this:

Maybe Mapplethorpe

Mostly my inspiration for the last few years has been Artemis :-)

Andy... said, 1365080641

I liked the robot on the Queen cover "News of the World"

- which inspired this blue beauty :o)

Edited by AndyG (C&G Mag)

Henry Artist said, 1365085792

A couple of years ago I was inspired by the computer game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Actually it's three games - Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.) Apart from the science-fiction elements everything in the games is based on real world equipment and locations. You can read more about the games and see images from them here - http://stalker.wikia.com/wiki/The_Zone and http://yastalker.com/home.php

Here are a couple of images I created...

There are plenty more S.T.A.L.K.E.R. inspired images in my portfolio that you can look at. (Shameless plug!)

Andy... said, 1388754919


for the new folks :)

Steve Cooper said, 1388757083

Recent one with Lulu inspired by the Katniss from Hunger Games


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