Hiring a Studio - Loves & Hates


Mark Silvester Photography said, 1507735904

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

You have time to prepare, its in the time you are paying for..... 

No I mean time for the studio to clean and prepare their space ready to use.

Natural Light Spaces said, 1507736290

Spike said


Wouldn't bother, there is zero cash in hiring these days, ours is empty every weekend and studio two is available most days, its just not worth the hassle :)

This ^^

Must admit I'm always slightly puzzle by the business skills of people starting such threads - researching your market, "product" & customer reqiuirements is something you do at the begining of the process of starting a new business.

It almost seems like the amateur photographers who thought they could set up photography businesses with a wixx website & a facebook page plus a few recomendations from mates have discovered to their shock the market is saturated, so seeing the few successful studios eg Sarecen House/Natural Light to name a couple think that is also easy money plus they can attract models & have a "free" facility for themselves. If they dug a bit deeper they'd realised runnning a succesful studio is bloody hard word - hoping the mantra "build it & they will come" is total fantasy. The financial hit you can finish up with following the demise of any premises based business can be large & is not something to be entered into on a whim.

You a totally correct. opening and running a successful and importantly profitable studio from scratch take a huge investment not only in money but in time. Be prepared for 14-16 hour days, 7 days a week. And for the first year at least to see money flowing in just one direction.

Everybody who comes in will want different things. natural light, studio flash, blacked out, backdrops, props etc etc etc..... 

Natural Light Spaces said, 1507736621

Mark Silvester Photography said

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

You have time to prepare, its in the time you are paying for..... 

No I mean time for the studio to clean and prepare their space ready to use.

First item on our list of rules for use of the studio is...... IF you get it out please put it away :)

its not always possible with the certainly on model days to get the studio completely clear between shoots, even more so if you have large mobile props and sets and in a space as big as ours this just adds to an even bigger challenge.

Laura Loveless🌙 said, 1507737543

From a model's perspective - Heating (nothing worse than a cold studio), a toilet & a couple of bottles of water or a water dispenser. Make up wipes- I forgot to bring some once and it was a struggle!

KSPHOTOGRAPHIC said, 1507739840

Laura Loveless said

From a model's perspective - Heating (nothing worse than a cold studio), a toilet & a couple of bottles of water or a water dispenser. Make up wipes- I forgot to bring some once and it was a struggle!

Your easily pleased :) you should see our studio, its 10* if that is all your requesting :) as a side note, this is another thread where the OP could not be arsed to be involved.

Laura Loveless🌙 said, 1507739988


Laura Loveless said

From a model's perspective - Heating (nothing worse than a cold studio), a toilet & a couple of bottles of water or a water dispenser. Make up wipes- I forgot to bring some once and it was a struggle!

Your easily pleased :) you should see our studio, its 10* if that is all your requesting :) as a side note, this is another thread where the OP could not be arsed to be involved.

10/10 for that, not so much with you being so far away from me! :( 

Jim@HallamMill said, 1507740983

The majority of 'Purpleport' Photographers expect a awful lot for very little !                Typically a MUA can get £25 + /hr  Model can get £25 + /hr    Camera Kit may cost £2000 +  but a lot of amateur Photographers don't want to pay more than £15 / Hr for a Studio  which when you knock off the overheads, cost of replacing equipment etc doesn't leave a lot.!

RoundHouse Pictures said, 1507741858

Thank you too you all for your comments and suggestions, you've helped greatly! Best wishes, RHP

Windows to the Soul 👀 said, 1507741872

The best studio I have shot as is @FarForest

Great Outdoor space

Graveyard set



Jacuzzi set

Huge Studio




Hair & Make Up area with lit mirror and natural light

The best prop & outfit room I have ever seen




Clean & Tidy


Tea, Coffee & Toast


Huge choice of backdrops


Good lighting sets

Lots of space

Professional onsite guidance

Smoke Machine

Did I mention the high ceilings....

Stolenfaces said, 1507742298


Laura Loveless said

From a model's perspective - Heating (nothing worse than a cold studio), a toilet & a couple of bottles of water or a water dispenser. Make up wipes- I forgot to bring some once and it was a struggle!

Your easily pleased :) you should see our studio, its 10* if that is all your requesting :) as a side note, this is another thread where the OP could not be arsed to be involved.

What involvement do you expect it was a simple and open question.

He has now said thanks for comments, what do you expect a personal note to each reply ?

It is not at all like a thread where the OP can and needs to steer a discussion by perhaps adding more background info or other people's posts need a response.

Fine and DanDee Studio's said, 1507743128

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

You have time to prepare, its in the time you are paying for..... 

No I mean time for the studio to clean and prepare their space ready to use.

First item on our list of rules for use of the studio is...... IF you get it out please put it away :)

This!  But so many times photographers and models think its ok to leave the place in a mess and expect us to tidy up after them, or expecting to shoot until the very last second and then spend the next 30 minutes packing away.  
Which leads to this point....

JimHallamMill (Truedefinition) said, 30 minutes agolink report quote

The majority of 'Purpleport' Photographers expect a awful lot for very little !                Typically a MUA can get £25 + /hr  Model can get £25 + /hr    Camera Kit may cost £2000 +  but a lot of amateur Photographers don't want to pay more than £15 / Hr for a Studio  which when you knock off the overheads, cost of replacing equipment etc doesn't leave a lot.

Theres nothing much more to say really!  When we add up rent, electric, equipment, insurance, refreshments, water and thats without paying ourselves anything. 

Studio f/11 (In abeyance) said, 1507743911

Fine and DanDee Studio said

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said

Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

No I mean time for the studio to clean and prepare their space ready to use.

First item on our list of rules for use of the studio is...... IF you get it out please put it away :)

This!  But so many times photographers and models think its ok to leave the place in a mess and expect us to tidy up after them, or expecting to shoot until the very last second and then spend the next 30 minutes packing away.  

Indeed.  Fair wear and tear and use, but not chaos.

Studio f/11 (In abeyance) said, 1507744318

Spike said


Wouldn't bother, there is zero cash in hiring these days, ours is empty every weekend and studio two is available most days, its just not worth the hassle :)

business skills of people starting such threads - researching your market, "product" & customer reqiuirements is something you do at the begining of the process of starting a new business.

It almost seems like the amateur photographers who thought they could set up photography businesses 

The financial hit you can finish up with following the demise of any premises based business can be large & is not something to be entered into on a whim.

However, if you have a studio for your own purpose, and do not utilise it fully, then small contributions (not "nothing") toward the costs may be had by letting it to other people. 

If having the building in which the studio is is something which just happened, providing a service to local photogrpahers and models pending the next use of the building is somewhat attractive. 

Buildings need to be insured, inspected, heated and aired, and there are usually things that can be done in them as well as anywhere else.

Hence Studio f/11

The NLS is a whole different ball-game - IIRC it was complete with the markings on the court for playing it, when I visited it - and very special, but my toy is great fun.

Steve 1 said, 1507744738

Fine and DanDee Studio said

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said

Natural Light Spaces said

Mark Silvester Photography said


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

You have time to prepare, its in the time you are paying for..... 

No I mean time for the studio to clean and prepare their space ready to use.

First item on our list of rules for use of the studio is...... IF you get it out please put it away :)

This!  But so many times photographers and models think its ok to leave the place in a mess and expect us to tidy up after them, or expecting to shoot until the very last second and then spend the next 30 minutes packing away.  
Which leads to this point....

JimHallamMill (Truedefinition) said, 30 minutes agolink report quote

The majority of 'Purpleport' Photographers expect a awful lot for very little !                Typically a MUA can get £25 + /hr  Model can get £25 + /hr    Camera Kit may cost £2000 +  but a lot of amateur Photographers don't want to pay more than £15 / Hr for a Studio  which when you knock off the overheads, cost of replacing equipment etc doesn't leave a lot.

Theres nothing much more to say really!  When we add up rent, electric, equipment, insurance, refreshments, water and thats without paying ourselves anything. 

All this and also you need customers through the door.

No customers means no money.

Tennyson said, 1507746126

Images of the studio space and equipment. Give the dimensions of the space available. 

Space! Too many studios are too small to even use a 50mm lens on a DX camera.

Keep the space clean and clear of clutter. I've had to spend up to twenty minutes of my and the model's time clearing out the junk before I could shoot. 

A good variety of clean uncreased backgrounds. An infinity cove is a huge advantage.

A black area.

If you have the space, sets that look attractive and are well maintained. If you're set up for boudoir shots, try not to make the place look like a 'tarts boudoir'.

Assistance for the photographer. You know your studio and what lighting configurations and settings work the best.

A flash meter!

A selection of props.

Good parking and access.

A clean changing room for the model.

Good tea making facilities!

The above are what I look for in a studio and rarely find. I wish you well, but I'm concerned that the best studio in Manchester which filled all the above criterea, and much more, went bust.