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Hiring a Studio - Loves & Hates


RoundHouse Pictures

By RoundHouse Pictures, 1507724462

Hi all,

As a new studio looking to build our client base we would love feedback from photographers and models on what they have loved & hated from previous studio hires at other studios!? 

Anything from booking - shoot day!

Is there any one thing that would cause you to pick one studio over another?

What helps your shoot run as smoothly as possible? 

Any feedback on issues or great experiences, large to small would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

PHP-Photography said, 1507724794

From previous threads photographers want to see what the studio looks like and what props are available, not images shot in the studio.

Also parking space is important.

Clean toilet is a must.

Edited by PHP-Photography

Tabitha Boydell said, 1507725986

Something other than plain backgrounds I'm afraid.

LG Photography said, 1507726160

Studios with some character and especially sets and interesting features. Not a fan of just plain backgrounds when renting.

Stolenfaces said, 1507726167

Parking, heating 

MidgePhoto said, 1507726401

Tabitha Boydell said

Something other than plain backgrounds I'm afraid.

What sorts of somethings would you like?

A few bits of furniture seem indispensable, but do you mean sets built with a house/domestic inside wall or two?

NeillR said, 1507726661

 I like to know the overall dimensions of the space and the distance from the background/cove to the opposite wall.

KSPHOTOGRAPHIC said, 1507726794

Wouldn't bother, there is zero cash in hiring these days, ours is empty every weekend and studio two is available most days, its just not worth the hassle :)

billyboyes said, 1507727202

Sad but true. The ideal studio is someone’s home or a part thereof. Natural light and options.

AlanJay said, 1507728932

The first thing I look for are images of the total space - essential for being able to assess whether I can do what I have planned.  These images need to show what is there,  wall textures, windows, sets etc.  All are best if not obscured by models ;)
Next, what props are available now.  Really annoying when a studio lists props that it no longer has!

What equipment is available,  lights, wind machine, smoke machine, modifiers.  Wireless triggers are also well worth mentioning.

Facilities - does the model and/or me need to traps across a yard to get to the toilets?
Is there tea & coffee,  is there real coffee rather than instant.
Is there a ladder or platform for overhead shots.
Is there low light stands.

I have looked at quite a few studios that essentially just say 'this is a studio and look at these pictures of girls'.  Just as models need to use their portfolio page as a shop window to sell,  so do studios.

Its worth looking at the successful studios, Natural Light Spaces for example,  that are almost constantly busy.

Banksy said, 1507729233

Assistance on hand if you need to set up equipment you've not used before. 

Mark Silvester Photography said, 1507729660


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

Spike said, 1507733511


Wouldn't bother, there is zero cash in hiring these days, ours is empty every weekend and studio two is available most days, its just not worth the hassle :)

This ^^

Must admit I'm always slightly puzzle by the business skills of people starting such threads - researching your market, "product" & customer reqiuirements is something you do at the begining of the process of starting a new business.

It almost seems like the amateur photographers who thought they could set up photography businesses with a wixx website & a facebook page plus a few recomendations from mates have discovered to their shock the market is saturated, so seeing the few successful studios eg Sarecen House/Natural Light to name a couple think that is also easy money plus they can attract models & have a "free" facility for themselves. If they dug a bit deeper they'd realised runnning a succesful studio is bloody hard word - hoping the mantra "build it & they will come" is total fantasy. The financial hit you can finish up with following the demise of any premises based business can be large & is not something to be entered into on a whim.

Natural Light Spaces said, 1507734232

Mark Silvester Photography said


Time between shoots so no one feels rushed and time to prepare the studio / dressing room ready for the next booking.

A good range of lights and modifiers.

Tea and coffee and a waiting area.

You have time to prepare, its in the time you are paying for..... 

Tabitha Boydell said, 1507735314

MidgePhoto said

Tabitha Boydell said

Something other than plain backgrounds I'm afraid.

What sorts of somethings would you like?

Something like the Natural Light Studio, Art Asylum, Pure Preston.

A few bits of furniture seem indispensable, but do you mean sets built with a house/domestic inside wall or two?

MidgePhoto said

Tabitha Boydell said

Something other than plain backgrounds I'm afraid.

What sorts of somethings would you like?

A few bits of furniture seem indispensable, but do you mean sets built with a house/domestic inside wall or two?

Tabitha Boydell said, 1507735375

Well that quoting didn't work.

Something like the Natural Light Studio or Pure Preston.