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Cuba shoot

Ken P

By Ken P, 1506285870

Following my recent, successful shoot with Artemis Fauna in India (we are still on talking terms), I am seriously looking at doing a week or ten day long shoot in Cuba (specifically Havana), later this year. Having travelled most of the world, I have never set foot in this socialist paradise. Any experiences, warnings, advice people, with relevant experience, care to share?

Thanks in advance.

Bob @ Fatbloke said, 1506286310

Not been myself, but a close colleague swears by the place. (He brings me coffee when he goes there).

Good parts of town and bad in Havana, a bit like LA, Miami or New Orleans.

People are supposedly lovely and friendly.....and the way they have kept cars running in a DIY way is worth a photography day evidently.

Secondhand advice, but he's a decent sort.

Danny B said, 1506288861

Myself and my girlfriend travelled round Cuba in 2009 and had a fantastic time!

We flew over on Virgin Atlantic and travelled about on our own by bus. Great service you can even book here from the UK http://www.viazul.com/index.php

Forget the trains (unless they have improved), I really wanted to travel on one from Santiago de Cuba .... we waited two days .... never turned up!

We stayed in quite a few places but would really recommend:

  • Havana (we stayed at the Hotel Sevilla - good for photography, AL Capone is meant to have had a suite there).
  • Trinidad (lovely town by the sea, lots of photo opportunities)
  • Ceinfugeos (great cemetery - not often I say that! and interesting colonial buildings)
  • Santiago de Cuba (interesting port area .... probably not best at night. We stayed in the Casa Grande on the main square, which has some fantastic rooms esp if you can get one with balcony facing the square - great for photography).

In general we found it safe and the people really welcoming esp when they find you are from the UK and not the US, it was helpful to speak a little Spanish.

There are the normal low level crimes, pick pocketing and scamming. Couple of examples were:

The taxi driver from the airport tried to charge us double the agreed price, one price for each of us although he backed down once I called him a 'rob dog' and smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

The other was a little more sinister and I am glad I am a big bloke. We were 'befriended' by a chap who said he worked at Havana Uni and wanted to practice his English, he said he knew a nice bar and would buy us a drink .... well we went along and he got a round of mojitos and a couple of his friends joined us. He than had to run off to a meeting and once he went the barman presented us with a bill (the prices were about 4 times normal). When this happened I told my girlfriend to wait outside. The barman was a bit menacing, but I faced up to him told him he was a bad man as were the guys friends!! I thumped the bar a couple of times and then place a reasonable sum for two drinks and slowly walked out, as soon out we both legged it!! Don't be put off as that was the exception!!

We found in a lot of places it was better to have street food than in the 'restaurants'. Street pizzas were really good!!

Hope this helps