Strictly Clothed :


photofervor said, 1447066636

and looking for love if you wish to share ;-)


Soria said, 1447067871


fossiec said, 1447068219

Amy Stout said, 1447069567


Just uploaded this and very happy with it! :)

NuttyMonkey said, 1447069787


Soria said, 1447077697

Ok, these games are confusing... I shared one of the previous porter because I thought that was the rule. Here's mine :)

Malcy62 said, 1447078069

Clothed in muslin

Caótico said, 1447078510

Malcy62 said, 1447078889

Ms Waller, the posted image should be from your own folio not from pervious poster as you have done but I don't mind, does my ego a power of good to have two images on one post.

Edited by Malcy62

Caótico said, 1447079505

Oh dear, can never keep up with which way round these games go lol

AndyWilson said, 1447080878

Here's one of Ms Waller to make up for it :)

Caótico said, 1447080992


Pete051 said, 1447085413


Graham Martin said, 1447094958

Ferret House Photos said, 1447096964