post the previous persons best head shot from their portfolio


Dag Nammett said, 1425379671

This one caught my eye today:


AshleyJPhotography said, 1425380811

I like the expression on this one
Taste The Pain

Aimme said, 1425380985

Audrey Shoot

Paul H 90 said, 1425381739

Steve M said, 1425391186

Ace said, 1425391935

For Steve M  I like the back light and tones of colour in this. I've made it clickable in case you want to give Steve M some love.


Edited by Ace

Aimme said, 1425397727

I wanted to pick more than one


Georgian Inspired Beauty & Fashion 3


Edited by Aimme

pose4me said, 1425398084

John Askey said, 1425593376

W A L L Y said, 1425593584

Ian Petrie's Photography said, 1425643867

" Bowie " ( Real eyes )

VicPics said, 1425644233

Brads {SMB Photography} said, 1425644449


John Askey said, 1425676201

Make-up SORCERER (ARTIST) said, 1425677876

frecking amazballz love this