Show us your best LIGHTING technique photo


Mike Lancaster said, 1637143756

Robert Mann MA said, 1637147132

trebor images said, 1637149718


Robert Mann MA said, 1637171217

RealWorldStu said, 1637596474

I can see you / Photography by RealWorldStu, Model KelliSmith, Post processing by RealWorldStu / Uploaded 7th January 2016 @ 07:13 PM

Resseh said, 1637794330

trebor images said, 1637826482


Aurelija Photography said, 1637923547

Robert Mann MA said, 1638035900

ClickMore 📷 said, 1639822049

auriga said, 1639823330

MacWimble said, 1639823666

Pleased with this one and how it came out - a combination of natural light and off-camera flash in an outdoor setting. This was taken under the cover of a band stand, so the ambient light was softer, and the umbrella assisted, then combined with the flash from the front.

I really enjoy the challenge of combining multiple light sources and the achievement when it comes off

Anna Secret Poet said, 1639995870

OMalley said, 1639997740

art65 said, 1640120215