Gems among the Randoms - SFW only


anagliff said, 1647179297

Ray Middleton said, 1647187325

Sensual Art said

Ray Middleton The intent is to post an image from someone else's portfolio, not from your own.

Please read the intro on page 1.

OK sorry

Sensual Art said, 1647207926

Danny. said, 1647210349

Ok, it’s and FPI but only has 28 loves.

Sensual Art said, 1647230190

Danny. said, 1647989423

Sensual Art said, 1648021887

PaigeAntonia said, 1648025812

Sensual Art said, 1648495556

Sensual Art said, 1649188231

Danny. said, 1649689607


Danny. said, 1649692408


Sensual Art said, 1649692849

Sensual Art said, 1649692984

Just occasionally one of mine appears in the Random collection, and really occasionally the thumbnail will grab my attention and I'll think "oo that's nice!" before I realise that it's mine :')

Sensual Art said, 1649693032

And then I see one next to it that makes me stop and appreciate something I'd not seen before, like this one: