Post-a-Pic - Shameless Self-Promotion


Incognito Studios said, 1651167323

Brian - p4pictures said, 1651168149


Matt Ealden said, 1651169180

Jenny Frost Photography said, 1651174176

well im posting this here because i'm chuffed to bits with this image, i've been away from photography for years and have completely changed style, its all trial and error at the moment, but the end result of this shot from a shoot on tuesday i'm really happy with, the model is fairly new here too :)

thanks for the loves so far, 

Jen aka Jenny Von

trebor images said, 1651174348


Ian Oliver said, 1651213315


Robert Mann MA said, 1651213941

trebor images said, 1651217150


Anna Secret Poet said, 1651218168

Afrofilmviewer said, 1651222075

Tamsin Ashton said, 1651231677

foxie011 said, 1651232328

fractions said, 1651232384


Anna Secret Poet said, 1651237417

photome2 said, 1651247381