Two words. Change one


MR. NPR said, 1553164921

enacted practice 

SteD said, 1553168218

medical practice

NineteenTen Photography said, 1553168814

practice what

Cliff Mdx said, 1553174119

 Sorry for being pedantic

NineteenTen Photography   

but if you're using it as a verb, the spelling is 'practise', so in fact you didn't keep the one word ;-)

I'll go back to medical practice and change to:

medical journal

Ben.M said, 1553174762

Medical notes

Womanly said, 1553174968

Musical notes

Shawn said, 1553175118

Bank Notes

BLA@K said, 1553175186

Bank Station

Womanly said, 1553175201

Bank statement

Obie Dean said, 1553176416

Statement chrage

Edited by O.D.P

LifeModel said, 1553176838

Cavalry charge

Womanly said, 1553177819

No charge

James104 said, 1553177885

Cavalry horse

Obie Dean said, 1553178192

Trojan Horse

James104 said, 1553178465

Horse race