post the previous persons best head shot from their portfolio


Terry Draper said, 1393280932

pose4me said, 1393291340

Terry Draper said, 1393310724

Gingertuft Photography said, 1393374899

Brads {SMB Photography} said, 1393406433

D&M Photography said, 1393407140

Love the eyes.

Malc said, 1393416511

Dave said, 1393417405

rebecca, roar

Ms Colwell said, 1393417779

Adverse Beauty said, 1393419468


Stretchy said, 1393421983



Jurgen & Jochim said, 1393423966

verve images said, 1393424353

Flash Bang Wallop said, 1393424598

Gingertuft Photography said, 1393426301