Fetish and bondage
This group is owned by Ivy Jane and was created 1589740816. It is open to the public and currently has 236 members.
This is a place for people to share there F E T I S H and B O N D A G E images (If you wish to post art nude or lingerie images you can do here https://purpleport.com/group/art-nude-1) feel free to add people to the group.
Please be polite and respectful of other people's posts and images.
Other then this upload as many images and posts as you wish (feel free to add any of your followers to the group as well)
Anything to do with fetish and bondage is welcome (male and female)
How to add images to this group:
1. Open your chosen image.
2.Hover your computer mouse over the little grey flower-wheel at the top right of the page.
3.Click on Invite/add to one of your groups
4. From the drop-down box click on art nude then click on Invite
.5. Your image is uploaded.
Please note images do have to be approved by admin so if your image dose not show up right away please be patient.