Question for Photographers and Models - Direct messaging hindrance or a help?


Everly Rose said, 1714203805

It's been really useful to me all of the answers, It has opened up my eyes that the general answer is that messages are fine as long as they are not generic and the model has actually taken time to look at the photographers work and portfolio notes and thought about would a shoot work before they send a message.

I have also taken note of photographers that don't want to be messaged and will ensure this doesn't happen, I do read photographers notes and if it stated in your notes I do not appreciate direct messages etc that would be really useful for a model to see.

I will definitely tread carefully in my approach if I do send direct messages out, after all if I am informing someone I am in the area and looking for paid work the last I can do is ensure I know the photographers work and style I am approaching and whether a message would be welcomed. 

Again this wouldn't be a regular thing for me, I also work part time and try and practise my own photography where time allows so I don't tour continuously, perhaps 4 times a year so it would only be in these circumstances where I may still have a little bit of availability left.

Thanks again everyone

Jon984 said, 1714204340

I have no problem with DM, after all, it's what the site is about really, promoting yourself.

Edited by Jon984

FunPhotographer said, 1714204356

As with the majority, I’m happy to receive messages as long as there’s some sign that the model has looked at my profile and is a ‘fit’ for my style.

I don’t mind too much if it’s clearly a generic opening message as I can appreciate the time and effort of creating a personal one for lots of different photographers. Though a personal one is more likely to get a positive response.

Perception said, 1714205698

I think this post is more about models direct messaging any photographers in an area they’re  touring. I think some regard this as spamming but personally I don’t mind too much, I had a few times when I was living in Switzerland, as I imagine models need to be fairly pro active to make such a tour work.

id say etiquette goes a long way here, I’d keep the message light, be honest, start it with a small apology for the message. Put your rates on your port or a casting so you can avoid having to mention money too much in the initial conversation.

that said if every model direct messaged every photographer in an area for every casting it would be a nightmare, so I’d try to limit it. I’d also consider doing it for your followers only.

Some folks will get annoyed but I don’t think this is an issue in the grand scheme of things. Most won’t want too/ carnt for a million various reasons. So maybe the pay off isn’t worth it, there will be lots of rejections but it could help fill a place or two in a casting.

PhotoClassic said, 1714207232

I am not offended by any approach.

Afrofilmviewer said, 1714208839

Sin Yu Chan "I might offend someone by saying this ... I also think some photographers are ... sorry for lack of better description 'Time wasters'"

To be fair I think quite a few people here can be.

ClickMore 📷 said, 1714210740

I don't get that many DMs but most of the models who contact me are not within the styles I shoot. I reply politely. I send messages and many remain unread or go unanswered even though they are active on PP. Some reply asking me to message them on IG as they don't use PP very often but don't give me an IG link. Then there are the ones I message and arrange shoots with. I have come across members who use a Third Party to reply for them and that can be very difficult especially when not all messages are passed on. This creates confusion at shoots. I do like to keep messages on PP unless they are members I shoot with quite often.

Orson Carter said, 1714211531

ChrisCobb said

I’ve never minded receiving messages when models are looking for work. Over the years I’ve booked a few shoots as a result of receiving a message.

I don’t even mind if it is a generic message.

I like seeing people being proactive in life. At worst I may not be interested in a shoot, but I will look at your portfolio, I may like a few images and I may keep you in mind for the future.

I may be interested and book something or I may be interested but not able to book yet.

Whatever the outcome, you’ll have been noticed and I’ll know that you are keen to work.

^ The bit in bold... Same here. 

I like people who have the initiative and enthusiasm to do stuff.  I'm not so keen on people who sit on their arse and just wait and hope that something will happen. 

Everly Rose said, 1714211595

Orson Carter I remember messaging you all those years ago and having a amazing shoot as a result of that 👏

Gwenny said, 1714213764

I'm based in Amsterdam. Which is a very popular city for touring models. 
Esp during Spring/Summer, i get at least one direct message a day about availability of someone; and then i know instantly they haven't even read the first line of my profile. Cause i'd not be even available/in the country, or that i have a period of non-shooting.

At first i would respond to each and everyone that no i'm not available etc. At one point i decided to pre-empt that effort. So I thought i'd made it clear by putting one line in bold above my profile; and my availability is set to none (i don't use the PP calendar, though if a model I work with on PP wishes to book me in i'd accept it ofc) Now i've made it even more clearer (i think, go take a look) , as messages still kept piling in. But no; still get them. Delete them the sec it's about availability in a period i stated i wouldn't be. 

Also, if it`s somebody that doesn't even bothers to read the (very short, concise) profile that I have; I don't know. I'd imagine any serious model would at least read a tog's profile as part of consideration for working with them; even paid. I always read a model's profile as there could be very important information in there like levels, travel willingness, car yes/no, studio/location available yes/no, min booking reqs/rates, work etiquette. And general vibe of the text. This weighs in before I communicate someone.


Edited by Gwenny

LottiiRose said, 1714213744

I think I nailed this one when I first started modelling.

I have something on my profile that says something like "if you want me to tour your area, drop me a message and when I have enough people I will visit!" And I keep folders in my messages of places and people go in them when they express interest.

I then cold call those people because they've already technically asked to be. I have folders FULL of people. It doesn't always pay off but it massively helps!

Afrofilmviewer said, 1714214181

LottiiRose I'd call that warm calling. And in my eyes its decent market research.

B17fan said, 1714214260

Everly, I was fortunate to contact you after you'd left me some loves, otherwise I would never have known you were coming down to my neck of the woods.

I rarely keep up to date with castings so it's very useful to me when models let me know they will be in my area. As long as they're not offended if I can't make it (which is often) I don't mind hearing from them.

Edited by B17fan

Mirror Image'S' said, 1714214283

I don't like it...its stated on my account that I don't welcome it but it still happens.

B17fan said, 1714214453

Mirror Image'S' The last line of your notes does suggest otherwise to be fair.