Old accounts


Sensual Art said, 1713129612

Wondrous said

ANDY00 yes and the account very likely breaks no site rules. Could you post the account for us on your reply , this account you're worried about ?

No, he very much should not identify the account here.  Just for starters, it would amount to naming & shaming, which is against site policy (for extremely good reason). 

Wondrous said, 1713129698

Sensual Art that's the point , it was already obvious to me. The thread is a non starter.

ANDY00 said, 1713130245

NigeNw said


In theory I guess it is possible for people to be active with no immediately visible evidence (i.e. book shoots via PM & not get be left any references)

I think the key thing is if you are concerned over a specific portfolio  then you should report it and let the admins decide

As you have indicated there can be many factors.

As you may spot, for example, I have not had any shoots for several years now and am not 100% sure I will return to model shoots - although I keep thinking maybe in the not too distant future.

I certainly don't want to close my account as I still want my work to remain here until I decide to fully give up (I do of course have more  than a few images and do have several (now ageing) references ). Like a few others that are not fully active I do like to look around occasionally to see the wonderful work here & also keep my eyes out for potential models to work with should I return 

Thanks Nigel im certainly not expecting you to close your acc i was just asking for opinions and mainly on very very old accounts as I've said that have never show any activity in the community at all , i can see though its a very mixed result which is good in a way because i got to hear many different sides to it, i myself don't get to shoot much due to health now and completely understand you would want to keep your acc as you've been an active part of community even if your not now, you have been.

Edited by ANDY00

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1713132429

Unless someone is actively bringing themselves into my awareness or is causing me distress, I shouldn't pay them any attention, doubly so with internet personas.

It seems that many people are more concerned about what others are or may be doing, and not focusing on what they should or could be doing.

But that's just my opinion, others are available.

3RDi said, 1713134711

As someone who has not done a model shoot for a long time now- but has the intention of returning- this post has a resonance for me personally. Due to things outside of my control such as illness, care, grief and other things, shooting in the past few years has not really been an option for me. Certainly not an easy or comfortable one.

But I do and have taken comfort from dropping in on the site and seeing people's work and being inspired to one day return myself. I do hope that people who may not have shot for a while are not penalized or outcast too prematurely.

I certainly did not mean to not shoot as long as I have, but sometimes life has a habit of getting in the way.

It is a bit harsh to judge everyone with a singular brush, when everybody's situation is going to be unique and different.

MidgePhoto said, 1713136809

ANDY00 said

... there's one pops up on my (who viewed you ) section every week, joined 7 years ago with 4 pictures, has never worked with anyone but is logged on every day almost, ...

You might think that if there was a nefarious purpose, the member would be be one of those who hide their visits to your portfolio, an easy adjustment.

(I don't think removing an account with 3 images would free up much server space)

Thelema said, 1713137000

Dear OP I know what you mean, I just block them and forget them

MidgePhoto said, 1713137002

ANDY00 said

... has never worked with anyone but is logged on every day almost, hasn't added an image in 7 years or worked with anyone...

Have you proposed a shoot to this model who apparently likes your work?

And, do we really know what work people have done, including off PP?

Photowallah said, 1713165477

ANDY00 said

Photowallah said

If you're worried about your images being "stolen", don't post them on the internet.

glad you came never would have thought of that without you :-)

Well however basic it is, you seem to be overlooking it. No amount of extra work by PP admin team in regulating accounts is going to stop people lifting images off the site. Inactive members have as much right to be here as active members.

bodyworkx said, 1713175622

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ANDY00 said, 1713179918

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ANDY00 said, 1713181382

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Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1713181775

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bodyworkx said, 1713182039

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ANDY00 said, 1713182420

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