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Singapore to start charging Covid patients who are ‘unvaccinated by choice’



By Huw, 1639048393

Singapore to start charging Covid patients who are ‘unvaccinated by choice’

Authorities say unvaccinated people make up a ‘sizeable majority’ of those needing the most intensive care


Huw said, 1639048438

And in other news...

Germany’s health minister has issued a stark warning to the country’s public, telling citizens that vaccination was the key to their survival.

“Some would say this is cynical but probably by the end of this winter, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, recovered or dead ... That’s the reality,” Jens Spahn told a press conference in Berlin on Monday."


Lee River said, 1639048817

I'd be very uncomfortable with a move like that here in Britain. Among other things, I suspect the poor and under-educated may be over-represented among the vaccine hesitant, and I don't think that increasing marginalisation and division will do any good.

Huw said, 1639049168

Lee River said

I'd be very uncomfortable with a move like that here in Britain. Among other things, I suspect the poor and under-educated may be over-represented among the vaccine hesitant, and I don't think that increasing marginalisation and division will do any good.

I agree with you, but it does depend on how the NHS copes or not.

Whether the government cares is debatable.

GDSandy Photography said, 1639049578

I don't think that charging the sick for poor choices is something we should start doing.  Where would that end?  Smokers with lung cancer or heart disease being invoiced?

Lightingman said, 1639050063

Lee River said

I'd be very uncomfortable with a move like that here in Britain. Among other things, I suspect the poor and under-educated may be over-represented among the vaccine hesitant, and I don't think that increasing marginalisation and division will do any good.

Why is the ‘here in Britain’ a factor? Other countries have “poor and under educated.” Sometimes people have to be presented with stark choices- as the German Minister outlines. 

Lee River said, 1639050549

Huw - agreed. If the NHS becomes overwhelmed it would be a significant deepening of the emergency.

Huw said, 1639050604

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Lightingman said, 1639050673

GDSandy Photography said

I don't think that charging the sick for poor choices is something we should start doing.  Where would that end?  Smokers with lung cancer or heart disease being invoiced?

Life Insurance premiums ( if they can get insurance) are already  ‘loaded’ for smokers.

Lee River said, 1639050720

Lightingman - only because I'm considering directions things might take close to home. As you say, similar factors apply in other countries.

LOB said, 1639051597

I - can - agree with the reasons for doing this, though there is shades of grey not the simple L-R, Hate-Like of social media... however, getting the vaccine is & never has been, just about protecting the vaccinated it's even more about inhibiting the spread & so protecting others.

The info is out there - not, just, the conspiracy bo||ocks - real info & data.

At some point in the near future there will be the unvaccinated - as the German Health Minister - highlights & those that, choose, not to take it & so put the rest of us at risk (if sizable enough group) then there will be a 'payback' I'd expect - more testing (& payments for), limits of movement (maybe imposed by other countries) ...not ideal though there is enough real evidence & time to educate - themselves - by now to realise: the possible side effects of the vaccine is far outweighed by the effects of the virus.

cases 268m, deaths 5.28m

Edited by LOB

mph said, 1639052146

GDSandy Photography said

I don't think that charging the sick for poor choices is something we should start doing.  Where would that end?  Smokers with lung cancer or heart disease being invoiced?

Smokers already pay a huge premium on each pack of fags!

seetheyes said, 1639052156

make vaccination compulsory. no need for charging or discrimination. don't complain about restrictions while not being vaccinated.

GhostOfArielAdam said, 1639053396

mph said

GDSandy Photography said

I don't think that charging the sick for poor choices is something we should start doing.  Where would that end?  Smokers with lung cancer or heart disease being invoiced?

Smokers already pay a huge premium on each pack of fags!

About £9 a pack is tax on the big brands. I don't think there are many 40-a-day types left. Most smokers I know are more like 10-a-day or less. Still about £1600 in tax a year.

I'm not even sure if smokers cost society more overall due to generally dying younger, and end-of-life care for a lot of non-smoking people is pretty expensive.

Out with a bang at 70, I say !!

GDSandy Photography said, 1639053610

GhostOfArielAdam said

mph said

GDSandy Photography said

I don't think that charging the sick for poor choices is something we should start doing.  Where would that end?  Smokers with lung cancer or heart disease being invoiced?

Smokers already pay a huge premium on each pack of fags!

About £9 a pack is tax on the big brands. I don't think there are many 40-a-day types left. Most smokers I know are more like 10-a-day or less. Still about £1600 in tax a year.

I'm not even sure if smokers cost society more overall due to generally dying younger, and end-of-life care for a lot of non-smoking people is pretty expensive.

Out with a bang at 70, I say !!

Smokers were an example.  We could as easily talk about health issues as a result of too much alcohol or Mc Donalds.

GhostOfArielAdam said, 1639054458

GDSandy Photography said

Smokers were an example.  We could as easily talk about health issues as a result of too much alcohol or Mc Donalds.

I know it's just an example.

Alcohol is also highly taxed. Not McDonalds though. 

We should probably worry more about fossil fuels and the over $5T a year of environmental damager they cause globally