A World beating Testing System!


Wavepower said, 1602497497

In posting this, I was passing on the report. I was not advocating the same solution as appropriate here.

If there was a comment, it was

A. About the dangers of political systems (whether here or anywhere else) promising to introduce things that are 'world beating' without fully realising what that could involve.


B. What 'at scale' testing potentially involves.

I am (in a way) impressed at any system that was able to mobilise some 10ish million tests (in May!) and the logistics to undertake, process and administer the results of these tests in circa 10 days - in addition to whatever other routine tests that were being undertaken in the country at the same time.

Even allowing for a proportionate scaling to account for the size of the population of our two counties, I suggest we are well short of that sort of capability in the UK (accepting that mandatory entire citywide testing is not how we might want to operate).

Kirsty (That Yorkshire Lass) said, 1602497530

indemnity said

Womanly said

I wonder why we're not doing the same thing, do you suppose?

The testing stations should be on pub car parks or city centre streets at 10pm. Sorted.


Stolenfaces said, 1602499026

David JC said

Stolenfaces said

David JC said

We really need to be less focused on how many tests are being done and more focused on what's being done with the data.

Whether or not someone can get their sniffling child tested so they can go back to school is important, but it's not the same as contact tracing which needs to be proactive at identifying infectious people before they develop symptoms. That means that tests need to be processed quickly and possible contacts identified to minimise the amount of time they're walking around and infecting other people.

Unfortunately, most of the media seems to be focused on counting tests and only pay attention to the tracing part of the problem when someone presses the wrong button in Excel.

Unless and until we have a vaccine, contact tracing with focused quarantines is the only way to control C19 without blanket lockdowns. They seem to be able to do it in Germany. I'll refrain from why we're not able to do it here.

Trace and isolate are managed locally in Germany, not here still.

Germany is systematically federalised while Britain is inconsistently devolved. I don't think that's the reason why they have a working system and we don't.

From what I've picked up - which I admit is incomplete - they used their existing system of public health and built on tried and tested techniques for contact tracing. The British approach was to set up a parallel infrastructure run by a communications firm who tried to reinvent the wheel of contact tracing in the form of a smartphone app.

Hence Germany has a working contact tracing system and we don't.

Obviously the existing systems in both countries for tracing and isolating are inherently local. In Germany it was used, here only after 8 months are the Government beginning to accept the evidence that has been overwhelming for some time, that the local experienced professionals offer a better solution. 

The British centralised system is indeed run by companies with no healthcare or detective work  (for tracing) or support (for those isolating) experience. The main skill set of the outsourcing companies is their valuation of data, thus their reluctance to share it.

mph said, 1602504796

indemnity said

Womanly said

I wonder why we're not doing the same thing, do you suppose?

The testing stations should be on pub car parks or city centre streets at 10pm. Sorted.

Womanly said

I agree.

In city centres, supermarkets etc etc.

It's not the availability of testing stations that is the restriction - it's the analysis of the samples in the laboratories.

Stu H said, 1602506343

CalmNudes said

Womanly said

I wonder why we're not doing the same thing, do you suppose?

Because here people wouldn't accept the army forcing people to take a test whether they wanted to or not. And we wouldn't force labs to run 24/7 or have the people working there summarily executed ? And people would not publicly question where all 9 million tests had been taken, processed, and results where as the the authorities said they were. 

One person's slavery powered dictatorship is another's effective government.  


What would happen if we use our milatary?

The link takes you to a recording of a couple of RAF guys assisting Birmingham  Council with doorstep testing.

Free doorstep testing, that the householder is able to decline.

They are subjected to harassment and abuse from the guy with the camera - who is very aggressive and becomes irritate when the serviceman does not answer him.

I think the Service guys handle this fantastically ... but the video clearly demonstrates why countries like China can mass test and we can't.

mph said, 1602510149

Stu H said

CalmNudes said


I think the Service guys handle this fantastically ... but the video clearly demonstrates why countries like China can mass test and we can't.

What a total fucking arsehole. :(

RobertP said, 1602522381

Stolenfaces said

Trace and isolate are managed locally in Germany, not here still.

You can't compare the UK against a country with a competent government. That's not comparing like for like.

vanBrughuis said, 1602528321

When the government is more interested in giving their mates a profitable contract than leaving the experts in charge, it is little wonder incompetence reigns. 

Kirk Schwarz said, 1602529840

We don't need a testing system. Total waste of cash. What we need is people with massive bats that stop other people acting like inconsiderate twats... problem sorted.