Looking for creatives to collaborate on HI quality images
AR-Manipulations is looking for a model or a make-up artist or a stylist or a hair stylist to fill this collaboration casting. It's based around Grays, Thurrock, United Kingdom Added 1730242948.
After a while concentrating on the business side of my photography, I want to return to the vast collection of ideas I have for images. As you can hopefully see from my portfolio I work to a high standard on a wide range of concepts.
Whilst I generally have a preconceived vision of the models look for each concept, I have many ideas, so I will hopefully be able to match idea to person, even though I might not currently have access to all the other things needed.
This is personal work and as such there is not really a budget, however I am more than happy to shoot images you might want/need and hopefully you will have some unique pictures for your portfolio. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss details.
I look forward to hopefully hearing and working with you
I am a full time photoshop wizard and photo retoucher, and have more than 22 years experience. I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment.
I'm based in Essex RM17, UK. Map