Home » Casting calls » The spirit of us

The spirit of us

TheEgg is looking for a model to fill this collaboration casting. The casting is only open to female models. It's based around Holmfirth HD9, UK Added 1719652591.

In 1852 there was a flood through Holmfirth when a local reservoir dam breached resulting in the deaths of 81 men, women and children. One of the bodies, that of Sarah Woodcock aged 11, was discovered in a mill dam ditch in 1990 (almost a century and a half later). There have been subsequent floods and even fatal ones but not on that horrific scale.

Now Holmfirth is a vibrant, quaint, tourist town trading largely on it being used for the location of Last of the Summer Wine tv series and this event is long consigned to history apart from a few commemorative plaques, which go largely unnoticed.

I reckon the juxtaposition of happy tourists contrasting with a forlorn, lost girl in a simple white night dress might make for a powerful reminder of that tragedy.

Obviously there won’t be 11 year olds involved in this but it could suit petite, young models able to look darkly haunting.



I am a full time photographer and have more than 15 years experience. I work for trade.

I'm based in Holmfirth HD9, UK. Map