Home » Casting calls » L'Oréal colour trophy

L'Oréal colour trophy

Marcus McLeod is looking to pay a model for this casting. The casting is only open to female models. It's based around London, United Kingdom Added 1717965602.

This casting starts on Monday, June 10th and expires on Saturday, June 29th.

I'm a grand finalist for laurel college of an eighth of July I'm looking for a model between 18 to 29 must have catwalk experience and height from 5 foot 7 an upgrade small change with haircut and colour I'm happy to work with a multiple ward-winning  international artistic and makeup  artist and clothes stylist and hair artist 

Marcus McLeod Hair Stylist

I am a full time hair stylist and have more than 26 years experience. I work for pay only.

I'm based in Birmingham,. Map


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