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Art nude yoga model

Tamsin Ashton is looking to be paid by a photographer or a artist/painter for this casting. It's based around Coventry CV3, UK Added 1714763546.

This casting has expired.

Hi again I'm Tamsin.

I'm looking for work again.

I have been an art model for years, I like to participate in art. I am transgender, I am creative, I am unique. I have studied Yoga and have a yoga qualification and I can stand on my head, and have done so for drawings and photographs. I can hold still for extended periods of time, or jump up and down for an entire shoot. I like to challenge myself.

I do my own make-up. I have practised a series of facial expressions, you can see a sample of in my portfolio.


I work nude. I have been on the "register of artist's models" since 2012 and have posed for a variety of life classes. I can get into all sorts of contorted positions and have had years practising.


My rate is £20 per hour plus travel expenses. I don't have a car and I generally get about by train.


I have a series of costumes and accessories: evening dress, suit, victoriana, lots of hats even a homburg, a few facinators, starched collars, all sorts of stockings (hold up and suspender), bodystockings, lace bra and thongs.


I'm a 43yr old Female, part time model and have more than 5 years experience. I work for pay only.

I'm based in Coventry CV3, UK. Map


Other castings by Tamsin Ashton

Ten days to go until studio dayAdded 1718117229