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Arlington Row

Arlington Row / Photography by Photographer Gino Cinganelli / Uploaded 28th November 2018 @ 06:35 AM
Photography by: Photographer Gino CinganelliKeyword tags: arlington row, Bibury, cottagesGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1543386905 by Photographer Gino Cinganelli.

The picturesque group of cottages on Arlington Row in the beautiful village of Bibury is without doubt one of the most photographed Cotswold scenes.

It is probably also now the most depicted village in the world because since 2010, a picture of the former weavers' cottages in Arlington Row has appeared on the inside cover of all newly-issued UK passports.

Situated about seven miles from Cirencester, Bibury was described by the 19th Century artist and craftsman William Morris as "the most beautiful village in England" when he visited it.

Each year thousands of visitors from all over the world come and admire Bibury's beauty - and it will have been seen by millions more on the big screen.

Bibury has been used as a film and television location, most notably for Stardust and Bridget Jones's Diary.

The Arlington Row cottages were originally built in 1380 as a monastic wool store which was converted into a row of weavers' cottages in the 17th Century. The cloth produced there was sent to Arlington Mill.