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References for Jon Downs

Jon Downs has 425 references; 425 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Gabriella .

I finally Had a chance to work with Jon!!

Jon is the most amazing person, with a brilliant sense of humour. Best natural light master, amazing photographer who give you confidence not only on a shoot, but also about yourself.

I Already have some pictures and I'm very pleased with them!

I would recommend any model or photographer, to work with Jon . you will get the best out of your him!

G x

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Sinopa Rin

I'm not sure how many times I've shot with Jon now, but I hope it won't be the last! He drove all the way from MK to Portsmouth today to shoot me in a beautiful hotel I'd found locally. When we saw the room, I was worried it would be a bit small but we filled the time with loads and loads of ideas; utilising every inch and corner. Jon is one of the most creative photographers I have ever met, with an eye for light and composition like no other. I absolutely adore the shots we created today, as always, and cannot recommend him more highly.

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Ivy Rose Gehenna

I was honoured to be a model for a 1-2-1 tutorial between Jon & Rugglez!

Jon was as amazing as I remember him from our last shoot. It's very obvious just how crazy talented Jon is. But he's also very well organised, has an incredibly sweet personality, is super fun, positive and respectful at all times.

We had a really good time working together and I cannot wait until our next shoot :) x

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So it's been about 2 years since Jon and I last worked together, so when we got our shoot booked in, excited doesn't even begin how I was feeling.

Jon is a truly wonderful photographer and great fun to hang out with.....

Annoyingly, I was feeling a little under the weather, however that didn't stop us - we worked from my flat and out on location, shooting a variety of fashion/portrait and nudey styles....

Our shoot was productive, chilled out and thoroughly enjoyable, we got loads done!

Thank you for another amazing shoot and until next time.


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Rob Hill (robhillphoto)

Did a 1-2-1 tutorial with Jon - a really great course - he's clearly thought out how to present 'what he does' and walks you through it with a combination of theory and practical examples - with the opportunity to try things for yourself. Although structured, it's not inflexible and Jon makes a point of covering areas the photographer is interested in - including practical shooting and editing.

Thoroughly enjoyed the course and spending time with Jon - excited to put what I learned into practice......

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theresa louise

Yep it's me again!

Another home 1-2-1 tutorial! I swear this guy literally can't get any better.

His creativity is on another level.

Much love as always

T xxx

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theresa louise

Another 1-2-1 tutorial with this awesome guy.

This guy amazes me, he's just a super creative guy with a bloody good eye for detail.

Look forward to our next one next week

Much love as always

T xxxx

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I’ve long admired Jon’s work, so I booked a tutorial with him and Theresa Louise at her house.

I have to say that the combination of these two wonderful people worked brilliantly.They know each other so well and therefore make the experience such a delight.

Jon is extremely talented at shooting outside the box. His approach and ideas are extremely effective and I’ve a great empathy for his style. Most importantly he’s excellent at explaining and teaching these skills, the output of which is really quite stunning.

I really came way having learnt great stuff to apply to my own shoots.

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Just attended on of Jons excellent "seeing things differently" workshops at the superb Hacienda studio in London.

As with a previous workshop I attended a couple of years ago Jon is brilliant at explaining his concepts, ideas and methods and with his metered delivery allows you to absorb the information and then put it into practise.

A truly nice guy who really knows his stuff and has a real passion for both producing great images AND showing others how to do similar.

His choice of model (Nicole Rayner) was perfect, along with the location too.

Many thanks Jon, great to meet you again

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Knew of Jon's work and briefly got to meet him at a PP meetup a few months ago, but I've always been impressed with his images and wondering how he does it. Today at his workshop I found out that sometimes all it takes is £1 to get props and his workshop opened my eyes to how to shoot and use light in so many ways that before I'd readily admit I hadn't thought of before. During the workshop, Jon explained then showed how light can be used in so many ways that I plan to try some on my next shoot to see if I can use some of the tips I learnt today.

As a person, Jon is very easy to get along with (with the same type of humour as me) and will always offer up ideas, tips during the practical parts of the workshop to put the theories learned into practice. 10/10 for this workshop and hopefully not the last of Jon's I'll go to.

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Nicole Rayner

SO I was lucky enough to get to host 2 days of workshops with the legend that is Mr Jon Downs!

We have worked together lots before however this was our first workshop together! Once again Jon blew me away with his knowledge and creativity!! Jon can turn any situation into a beautiful photograph! He has a real gift, talent, flare - whatever one may call it - but he is indeed special.

He is a wonderful teacher - a great explainer of complicated things and most importantly he makes the learning fun! I am proud to work alongside him!

If you want to improve your photography, Jon's your man!

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Canonical Photography

I was lucky enough to get a spot on Jon's Seeing Things Differently workshop at the Hacienda with Nicole Rayner. What a great combination.

Jon is very personable and easy to get on with. He also demonstrates his techniques and explains them clearly so that you can reproduce them straight away. Lots of good tips to go with the techniques as well. I learned a lot and tried things I'd never have thought of.

Thoroughly recommend Jon's workshops.

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Darren Lee

I joined Jon for one of his "Seeing things differently" workshops at The Hacienda London, with the lovely Nicole Raynor. A thoroughly enjoyable day, full of great tips and new techniques, with witty anecdotes and one liners, Jon certainly knows his stuff and explains it in simple language and with demonstrations that work. I certainly learnt a great deal and look forward to putting these new tools into practice.

I wholly recommend Jon's workshops for anyone wanting to learn more about his creative shooting style, or just how to see things in a way that could add something different to your photography.

Cheers Jon :)

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I attended Jons "Seeing things differently" workshop at the stunning Hacienda studio.

This was the third one i've done with Jon and he still had lots of new things to show me, he is a superb teacher he explains everything clearly and simply and his passion for photography shows in everything he does, I highly recommend his workshops they are worth every penny.

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Stuart P

I attended one of Jon's workshops at the Hacienda with the wonderful Nicole Rayner.

Jon is a great. Very easy to get along with. His relaxed style and banter with Nicole made for a fun workshop. I picked up lots of useful tips and tricks and had a fantastic afternoon.

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Spike Manhattan

I had a tutorial with Jon Downs and Theresa Louise on the weekend. I got a lot out of the session and thoroughly enjoyed the day with the two of them. I can already see how the tips will add a new dimension to my work. Highly recommended.

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theresa louise

We spent the day travelling/Shooting in London yesterday.

Once again another successful 1-2-1 tutorial with a bloody awesome photographer.

Much love

T xxx

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I happened upon a very last minute arrangement to shoot with Jon when I was in the area, and despite having only 15 mins actual shooting time, we did some epic stuff (excluding the cherry bakewell tart pics ;) )

I cannot express how insanely talented this man is, and how photos tell a beautiful story - I'm sure we will work again soon and hopefully for a long time to come. If you ever get the chance to shoot with Jon, grab it with everything you have!

Shannie :)

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This epic photographer is one of my fave to work with!

He's a friend, an inspiration and someone who is amazing to hang out with...

Jon is one of the most talented humans I have got to work with and I am honoured that I get to shoot with him as often as I do ♥

If you get the chance to work with this incredible creative - do it :)

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Had my first shoot with Jon recently after messaging him as have been in awe of his work. What can I say he's awesome, so easy to work with and so professional. We had some great ideas and everything worked so well. I absolutely loved the images and was really excited to have his work on my port. Can't wait to work with him again.

Thanks Jon.

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