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References for Jon Downs

Jon Downs has 425 references; 425 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I attended Jon's excellent workshop yesterday and took away several important learning points. Jon was happy to share the secrets that create that magic that makes the beautiful images that we see on his portfolio. Jon was also an astute coach, spotting areas where we could improve whilst we were shooting. We were also taken to parts of our camera that we hadn't seen before! All in all, an enjoyable and rewarding morning. I recommend this workshop to photographers of all abilities. Thank-you Jon.

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I attended Jon's workshop and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot.

Hopefully will be putting that into practice.

Definitely recommend the workshops.

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I attended Jon's seeing differently workshop with no real expectations of what was about to happen. I'd been impressed with Jon's work and was keen to see his secret source.

Jon was happy to share what he knows and allowed lots of time to practice the ideas he shared.

Jon is also a really great guy, and I really enjoyed chatting to him about all sorts of stuff of the day. Jon, if you're ever in my neck of the woods and fancy a pint/cuppa give me a shout

PS.. go on his class

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Nick Franklin said...

What can I say about Jon that hasn't already been said? His humility and skill at his craft just makes me want to create.

I attended Jon's workshop where he was accompanied (some might say as always) by the lovely Theresa Louise, hoping to regain my confidence after not really picking up my camera throughout the pandemic. I really cannot recommend these workshops enough to anyone of any skill level. This was my second, and both times Jon has given me some excellent new skills to add to my arsenal.

Needless to say after a couple of hours I had some great shots, some laughs and some new memories. Needless to say my creative fire has definitely been re-lit.

Thanks so much, Jon.

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What can I say ! Probably the best fun workshop I have ever been on. From a creativity and collaborative point of view hard to beat. Jon and Theresa really are inspirational and supportive to work with. They work hard and are great fun to be around. To get back to grips with just camera, available light and a few of Jon's gifts !! really made me fall in love with photography again. If anyone ever get's the opportunity to join them don't think twice. Just do it and your life will be more worthy trust me !

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Cariad Celis

After many years of admiring Jon's work, I finally got the opportunity to work with him at my home. We were blessed with soft light throughout the house and autumn colours outdoors, this combined with Jon's unique skills, we were all set! My only regret is not working with him sooner!

Jon was kind, mindful and has an incredible eye for details, especially with how the way light falls, I love how he shoots and the many interesting quirks he adds.

I am so grateful that he came to shoot with me and the images we produced together are some of my all time favourites, he almost gave me too many to choose from, I can't pick my absolute fav, I love them all!!

Thank you for a wonderful day Jon, you are awesome!

Highly recommended!!

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miss black reign

Got the chance to with with Jon at Neon Dreams Studio with AK4790.

What a blast ! Jon brings so much energy to a shoot, and so many creative ideas it was hard fitting it all in !

He works quickly, but precisely do you really make good use of the time, he’s such a pro ! We really had a good laugh as well as an epic shoot, got some phenomenal images - can’t wait to do it all again !

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Neon Dreams Studio

We were very happy to have Jon return to Neon Dreams recently!

This time to shoot myself (Natasha AK4790) and the lovely Miss Black Reign.

Jon is always so fun to shoot with! So creative, always finds new ways to use the space and we got lots of great shots from the day.

I hope he shall return one day :) highly recommended!

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Big Shot Studio

We hosted another weekend of workshops with the Dynamic Duo that is Jon Downs and Theresa Louise. If there were ever a perfect photography and model couple it would most certainly be these two. They create the most amazing photographic magic together and the results in their images are phenomenal.

I have to say Jon is a great photography tutor and you will learn a lot from attending one of his workshops, (book on one now you will not be disappointed)you only have to read what others say about his workshops but not only that, the proof is always in the pudding as they say, go and look at some of the images that have been created by the attendees on his workshops. Everyone goes away amazed by the results they have achieved on the Jon and Theresa workshops.

Jon is the real McCoy when it comes to photography, he is a true photographic artist (One of the best I have seen), he has an amazing eye for a creative composition and his work is not only creative but it is also deeply emotive with great story telling. He is truly an inspirational photographer who I know has inspired myself and many others to try and be more creative with our photography.

If you want inspiration, if you feel you are stuck in a lul with your photography or even if you are new to photography I highly recommend attending one of Jon's workshops, it will put the fire back in your belly for photography. Always 1000% recommended by me, Jon is a photographic magician. :)

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Helicon Imaging

I was lucky enough to attend one of Jon's workshops today. In short, if you haven't attended one book yourself on as soon as possible.

Jon's work speaks for itself and his willingness to share his knowledge and experience is testament to the type of person he is. He explains techniques clearly and easily with practical demonstrations before allowing the participants to put into practice what they have learned.

The result is simply stunning images.

I cannot recommend the workshops enough.

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Ben Peet

I attended Jon's workshop at Big Shot Studios with Theresa Louise yesterday and what a great experience it was. I've been wanting to attend one of Jon's workshops for a number of years now and it did not disappoint.

Jon is the ultimate consummate professional, walking and talking us through "his style" of portrait photography, coaching and providing not only essential tips and tricks, but also a great fun element to the session. Jon is entertaining, eloquent and provides a really excellent photographic learning experience.

So my advice would be as follows; if you get yourself in a rut (photographically speaking) and can't seem to develop your photographic style further, attend one of Jon's workshops and see how you can take your portraiture to the next level under Jon's expert coaching!

Highly recommended - thanks Jon for a first class experience - the time flew by!

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incident light

Had the most stimulating and educational meeting with Jon at his workshop at Big Shot Studio.

A real eye opener it was incredibly liberating to hear his views on ‘rules’ in photography and not allowing them to restrict creativity, as well as his very interesting anecdotes making various points.

His ethos of being able to shoot anywhere with just the camera and adapting everything else including lighting to suit was inspirational. Jon’s images are well known for their extraordinary creativity and novelty and it was intriguing to learn some of the tricks of the trade. Although the greatest lesson was perhaps just to ‘relax,’ experiment and enjoy the process and as long as you and your model are happy with the results that is really all that matters.

The workshop was very small and friendly with plenty of opportunity to explore the practicalities and get your own results, and Jon is an excellent tutor. He is also an extraordinary photographer and a really nice guy to boot! It was fascinating to see him in action and have the opportunity to get his feedback on our individual images.

Highly recommend the workshop and any chance to see Jon in action!

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jim richardson

I attended a workshop with Jon and Theresa Louise at the big shot studio on Saturday.

The title was Thinking outside the box, and it was exactly what it said on the tin

It was informative, fun, professional and exactly what I needed, it took us on a journey from what we know to what we thought we knew and finally to what we didn’t know, what a blast.

Jon’s and Theresa approach were excellent and both understood the programme.

If you haven’t worked with Jon before then you are missing out, keep a look out for his next tutorial day and get on it.

However let’s not forget the other star of the show Theresa Louise a great model and lovely lady.

Keep up the good work guys see you both again soon.

************************************HIGHLY RECOMMEND *********************************

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Drive to Felixstowe from Aberystwyth she thinks.. It’ll be fine she thinks... 6 hours of driving later.

Well that was the longest journey for a shoot ever!

But my god was it worth it. Enough said really.

Jon is a master camera man and know his craft inside and out, creating imagery that is provocative and interesting.

Something for the viewer to engage with.

He is funny, witty and built a good rapport with me in mere moments of arriving at Chez Downs..

Can’t wait till the next shoot as I feel we barely scratched the surface of what awesome and epic imagery we can capture!

Thank you kind Sir for such an epic shoot!

Jon is 100% safe, outstandingly talented and comes with the highest recommendation from mwa ;)

Until the next time!

Peace out

Silk x

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This was one of the most important shoots I've ever done, it was the first one after a very difficult start to 2021 and I hoped that I was still good enough after an enforced hiatus.

It felt very appropriate to do such a shoot with Jon, and I felt privileged that he made the extra effort to drive down to me in Devon. In return, I found and sought permission to shoot in some where very unique and would suit Jon's style. He absolutely loved it and we could have spent the whole day there.

It was nearly 2 years since we last met and shot, but didn't feel like it! Jon as ever is a real treat to shoot with - he totally respects your levels and boundaries, but yet pushes you to be the best you can be. As true friends do.

I honestly cannot wait to see the results and as I've probably said before, I feel truly honoured to call this humourous human a close friend.

Until next time, whenever and wherever that will be, I cannot thank you enough.

Shannie :)

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Elodie Rose

I shot with Jon for the first time today at my home.

This was a long time in the making due to all things Covid. But so worth the wait.

I had such a fun day. Jon is hilarious and we laughed from start to finish. He is really chatty and put me 100% at ease. He is quite the wizard with lighting and trickery and from what I saw off the back of the camera we have made something quite special together.

I hope this is the start of more shoots as I’d love to work with Jon again. It goes without saying I’d recommend anyone to work with Jon.

Thank you for such a great shoot


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Aurora Ray

It turns out that Jon and I live fairly nearby-ish, so after I stalked him on FB for a while he gave in, fearing I'd stalk him in real life too no doubt! ;)

Jon was really fun to shoot with, very easy going and full of laughter - particularly after we saw not one but TWO flashers at the beach that evening!

You do have to be a bit careful he doesn't poke you in the eye when he's waving one of his blooming prisms around, and he DID bring his second-best camera (pfft!) but apart from that he was great, the images were fabulous and even let me be a total diva and edit a couple! :)

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How many years after Jon that I had to wait?

Oh yea - over 3 years that I had to wait to create something magical, but I must say that it did worth every minute.

From the start to the end Jon is/was professional and he made me feel comfortable throughout the shoot.

I like his work and we both knew straight away what we were after.

Check it out yourself and if you not already done so, book yourself in to his busy schedules. He will not disappoint you.

And no! I did not boss him around hehe…


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When I saw a casting for Jon Downs Creative workshop, I immediately messaged him, as I have been following his work for sometime and have been constantly surprised by the interesting effects and images he creates. Despite the rather early start I had to make to get to Big Shot Studios in Leighton Buzzard, The workshop didn’t disappoint. Jon has a lovely polite and humble manner to his training and gets everyone equally involved with his clear and very clever simple, yet effective techniques. We worked through several of these, with enough time for each principle to be explored and to practice at a latter stage. Jon has a close partnership with the owner of BigShot, Colin and an incredibly good working relationship with Theresa Louise, our beautiful model for the day. The Team made the whole experience an incredibly enjoyable one and I learnt loads, but more importantly had a tremendous time shooting with these guys and the other two participants (Nick & Fin) the day. Thank you All. If you are considering going to one of Jon’s workshops, jump at the chance! It will take your photography to another level. 100% Recommended! KJ.

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Big Shot Studio

Jon and Theresa hosted another workshop at the studio this weekend and what a fantastic 2 days it was. The weekend was full of fun, creativity and unbelievable shots. Jon and Theresa are the dream team when it comes to their workshops, they work together so well and create the perfect learning environment for all their attendees. If you have not been on a Jon Downs workshop you must make time to do so.

Jon's photography is on another level and his work is not only inspirational to thousands of photographers on here and elsewhere but he himself is a really lovely guy who is genuinely down to earth and a great laugh too.

Many photographers try and emulate Jon's style and fail miserably (I know I was one of them) and many suggest that Jon must get these effects in Photoshop and nothing could be further from the truth. If you attend one of Jon's workshops he will show you the techniques and methods he uses to create his amazing signature style of images. Be prepared to be inspired and be prepared to take your photography to new heights and be prepared to be blown away by what you learn because Jon's workshops do all these things and much more. I know this from first hand experience and by the faces of the attendees when they see the images they are capturing at one of his workshops.

As always Jon it is a great pleasure having you and Theresa in the studio and I am looking forward to the next ones you host. :)

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