Don't like to talk about that mate!


Jack Russell said, 1413261481

It looks like I have missed your deadline, so what I will do instead because you have done such a marvellous deed is I have liked five of your images, and I will donate £10 to Scottys little soldiers.

Well done Andy. :)

Edited by Jack Russell

Chrisw said, 1413265792

Great idea...loved 5, charity would be the RNLI, great portfolio by the way.

Hera Magazine said, 1413269936

Realised that I already liked a lot of your work!  But added to more.  Charity wise, on a national level, NSPCC.  However if it were to be local I would choose LOROS because although advances are being made in cancer treatment, there are people who need palliative care now, and I've lost a lot of family and friends to cancer.  There's also LWA, Living Without Abuse, which is aimed at supporting those who are victims of Domestic Violence.  Asides from that, I'm happy with any charity.

Stephen Roissy said, 1413270892

I have liked some of the fab shots of Lorii. As an NSPCC volunteer they would also be my first choice. Great initiative.

Harley Monster said, 1413273121

What a great idea! I wasn't online tonight so well past the deadline :(

I'll send a bit extra to medecins sans frontiers today though in your honour if that's OK instead? Cheers for the reminder!

(and I already love your work!)

Malachite Photography said, 1413273692

There you go Andy - HFH gets my vote

Austin said, 1413296586

Well that was easy! Very nice gesture, totally selfish but cancer research,

Take care, :)

AndyWilson said, 1413296708

I think I've missed the deadline but I'll go like some more anyway...

Blofeld said, 1413306862

Brilliant idea, good for you! And thumbs up to the Admin team for increasing your PP unlimited account as well. I'm going to go have a browse through your port later. :)

Lu said, 1413309450

I missed this but I have sent you some love and I will donate to a little known charity which is personal to me and focuses on helping victims of violent crime as well as working with young people to prevent the same to make the best of a tragedy. 

Well done Andy :)

ISOtonic said, 1413487166

OK, I'm off on one again! As a mark of respect for our boys and girls in Sierra Leone, I have brought forward the donation to Help for Heroes and added an extra £50.00 - God bless you all. HFH

RunagateRepublic said, 1413487641

Best thread I've seen, Andy. I'm off to see your portfolio again just because. Much respect!

ISOtonic said, 1413487995

RunagateRepublic said

Best thread I've seen, Andy. I'm off to see your portfolio again just because. Much respect!

Thanks Dani!

ISOtonic said, 1413489669

For the sake of clarity, the remaining donation to the Royal British Legion will still go ahead on 26th

Lu said, 1413489804
