Don't like to talk about that mate!


ISOtonic said, 1413243590

Near 200 now! Time to show some commitment!


Three 6 T said, 1413243737

Few more liked. Good call on donations to charity.

EnnaVictoria said, 1413243808

I'v loved 5 :) If i'm not too late! haha, Great Ormond street hospital or any children's charity would be great :)

Sarah said, 1413244250

5 loved, nice port btw :) charity of choice is Water Aid, if I'm not too late.

Great idea!

ISOtonic said, 1413245086

A huge thank you to everyone who took part, I'll post the final numbers tomorrow, but I think it is safe to say we hit 200 loves!

£100 has gone to the NSPCC already, the rest on 26/10. Looking like £50.00 each to Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion. Receipts will be posted. I'll also make sure every charity mentioned gets something.


Jack N. Photography said, 1413245758

Well done Andy!

ISOtonic said, 1413245880

Oh, look what I just got from the Admins! Seriously, where else but PP would this happen?

Aloha Andy,

A site admin has changed your Unlimited expiry date to Monday, July 4th 2016

Amy Rose said, 1413246016

Well done Indeed and nicely done on the admin team xx

PBTPhoto said, 1413246350

Nicely done Mr Leates!!


Admin said, 1413246678

It's things like this that make us as a team, damn proud of what we have created in PurplePort, and more importantly what has built up around it with regards the PurplePort community. We take our hat off to you tonight @Andyleates and we hope that the charities benefit greatly from your generosity.

Russ, Scott and Chris

mariapantellismodel said, 1413246706

Done :)

Pps said, 1413247012

Thank you.

Done !


Thanks again

LaurenCoffey said, 1413248491

Haha this is brilliant!

Helen Diaz said, 1413248927

Best post ever :)


PaulF63 said, 1413256264

Got carried away loved 6 of them. Brilliant idea well done. Either Guide Dogs for the Blind or Hearing Dogs for the Deaf are my preffered charities 👍 😊