Very bad bondage shoot experience today.


This post has been locked.

Indigo said, 1461723798

I am so sorry you went though this traumatic experience - as a model, I generally tend to do my research before I shoot with people and ask for their website and examples of their previous work of that style- in my case, if a commercial photog approaches me for nude/topless work, I ask to see previous examples so I know exactly how they're working. If you're saying he hadn't had a review since 2011 ... and nothing on bondage, that would have been MASSIVE warning signs for me :/ ...  And I know we're all different, but especially as you're doing work where there is a lot of trust involved, I would never have stayed on set after feeling like I was being forced into doing something. It can be awkward once you're there and want to leave I know, but it's YOUR body, and you have control over that. I can't personally see how people would do your line of modeling with complete strangers because you just NEVER know- but that's just me, and that is not said to patronize you in any way. On the up side, you can use this horrible experience to better trust your intuition in future

Thank you for sharing your story though, and I hope that you recover from this and it doesn't put you off modeling!

TrevorR said, 1461724289

This is a very long thread and I don't want to read it so apologies if this has already been said, but:

The photographer concerned is claiming to be a Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photography. However as he also works for them (or so he claims) I can't see them dealing too seriously with the complaint that has been lodged.

His information including an address and telephone number and other information were published earlier on the Google+ Model Photographers Group so others can be warned.



Helen Diaz said, 1461724887

Jade Samantha said

I was on a shoot today in Great Malvern at a photographers home studio (he is not on this site) that I was told would be rope work, bondage, ball gags etc. I have experience shooting this style and have done many times for many different people and never before had any problems, never been in pain or been unable to breathe. 

Today on the shoot I was watched and stood over whilst I was made to tick what I was and wasn't happy with on a sheet. I ticked yes to various types of gags including tape, thinking it would be just a strip of tape across my mouth like on many other shoots I have done. I ticked breath play after first asking him what it would be, he said "oh I will just put a mask over you thats all, nothing bad". He tried to get me to tick spanking and corporal punishment, which was not spoke about at all before booking so I didn't agree and he seemed very disappointed. Breast bondage was on there and I said to him if he was to tie my boobs to do so gently and not tight as they hurt easily (I have had a cyst drained before and generally find any pressure to the boobs to really hurt especially where the cyst was) he agreed to not tie them too tight, so I ticked the box.

We were meant to shoot 8 sets, in the end I left after 3. 

The first set was a secretary outfit with rope work. He first tied my hands, very tight!! Then tied my legs, gagged me with a ball gag, then a scarf over the ball gag, then he got a roll of duct tape and tapped it around my face so it stuck to the hair at the back of my pony tail, he did this very rough yanking my head about as he wrapped it several times around, he also tied my waist really tight it hurt my ribs, then tied me so my chest and head were down to my knees. I was really struggling to breathe at all due to the waist rope being too tight and my wrists were really hurting. He kept pushing me into positions, pushing me back on my tied hands which really hurt and onto my side hurting my arm, all very rough. When removing the tape at the very end after all the rope had been took off I tried to keep stopping him as I could feel my hair was caught, he kept taking it off and used scissors also, snipping a chunk of my hair out and other bits got ripped out with the tape. I burst into tears as I was in pain and really upset my freshly cut, coloured and hair extentioned hair had been damaged. (he had requested my hair be back to blonde in time for our shoot so I went out of my way to make sure it was all changed in time to blonde) 

He didn't seem too shocked by my crying and made me feel as if I was being silly. Saying only one or two models had said his ropes were too tight before. I asked for the next set to not hurt or be too tight, he agreed and said it would be an easier set. 

The Second set was mummification.. he said he was just going to be wrapping me in cling film and the ONLY rope would be a lose one around my arms to tie to the ceiling so I wouldn't fall. He started wrapping me in cling film after putting the ropes around my arms, then put a gag in my mouth that looked dusty and dirty, which was like a cylinder so I could breath through it, then he said he was going to put ropes around my breasts to make them stand out more. So he started tying them really tight and I said through the gag its too tight and his response was "it's okay they wont go any tighter" and just left them tight, then applied lipstick to my nipples without first asking me if this was okay. He then wrapped more cling film around me until I looked like a mummy. When he cut the stuff off he was careless and the scissors stabbed my skin several times.  

No crying after that set, that was about manageable but painful on the breasts. 

The third set was in some leather underwear he had for me to wear, which he helped me get into as it was very complicated, strapping me in too tight, so I asked for it looser, he did make it looser. He said "don't worry I will only be using cuffs on you for this so it will be an easy set". Yes he did only use cuffs.... however, he put a balaclava over my face, then a ballgag tied around tight, then a pair of tights over my head, and then a paper bag, which he tied super tight around my neck so tight my neck still hurts now and then folded or did something to the top of it which made it near on impossible for me to breathe!!! I felt light headed and as though I really couldn't carry on, I tried to push the ballgag out of my mouth a little so I could tell him its too tight... he came towards me and said "okay you are doing really well, I am just going to use nipple clamps you are okay with that right" I said no and I cant breathe, I cant breathe, he stuck them on really hard, it really hurt! I kept saying I can't breathe his response was to carry on taking photos of me from different angles walking around me and then he wrote something on the paper bag, I have no idea what he wrote, and he took more pics all whilst I was struggling for air thinking I would pass out and kept saying as loudly as I could I CANT BREATHE whilst crying!! He finally let me out and I was in floods of tears and said I simply can't shoot anymore with you this is too much!! 

He agreed to give me half the agreed fee as I didn't complete the shoot, and then my travel as well. I would of completed the shoot had he of listened and cared about my safety and not simply tortured me and made me fear for my life. 

When he dropped me at the station and as I walked away he said "I suppose you aren't going to bother leaving feedback for me are you?" I made a fake giggle noise and carried on walking.... 


I know he has a shoot on Thursday and a shoot on Friday of this same style with other girls. I don't know if they have worked with him before or not, as some girls may be happy with this kind of shoot, but I certainly felt very unsafe and scared. I am so glad I didn't tick spanking as I fear he would of really really hurt me! I don't know what to do, I have contacted the moderators of the site he is on hoping they could perhaps warn the girls?? His model release he gave me didn't have his current address on, it had one for Hereford. I went on google maps and tried to screenshot my location, I got a zoomed out shot but when I zoomed in it wasn't loading as my signal wasn't all that great there. I have been so busy recently and receive a lot of emails so must of missed that I hadn't got his address before the shoot :( I want to go to the police but I don't know his address and he's got a form all ticked that I consent to these things, when actually when I wanted to stop he didn't listen and kept shooting me when I couldn't breathe!! 

His profile has feedback from 2011, and nothing newer. All of his feedback is for motorsports/max power events, nothing about bondage. 

I just hope the girls he's shooting later in the week see this and come to no harm :( :( 

I am really shaken by this and so shocked someone could carry on shooting and when I am clearly unable to breathe and crying. 

Dear Jade,

Please report this to the police asap. They will be able to trace his address, just give all of his online details.

You did nothing wrong, but please dont put your trust into people in this manner, its really dangerous. I dont do bondage work or anything on this level- but if I did I would definately check out references and contact the last few models the bondage photographer had worked with for EVERY bondage shoot I undertook. I especialley think this is very important in this genre of modelling for safety as its such a personal, hands on role, you are very vulnerable if you donot check references. However its very important to write that its NOT your fault, you can only learn from this experience.

At the end of the day you have the right to feel safe and to be cared for on a shoot. His behaviour sounds abusive, manipulative and dangerous. What if you had passed out on the shoot? What could have happened? Please get the courage to report to police, he may already be on record and it may help models in the future.

You have lots of peoples support, best wishes and I hope you are OK. x

Helen Diaz said, 1461727399

Jade Samantha said

I feel much better now I am home, I can't imagine being there for 8 hours :( !! Also I think I was secretly filmed too as there was another camera on a tripod but it wasn't like a video camera looking one it was a shooting DSLR one, but obviously some of them have that filming function now (it was a big Canon) and there were times that no shots were taken for quite awhile but I could hear him moving around yet no adjustments were made to my bondage so I reckon he was filming around me. Also the other model has said she saw a camera on with a red light so thinks she was filmed throughout the shoot also! So he probably has footage of me crying on the floor like a child!! 

Report to police ASAP.

That footage is important and from what yourself and Arabella have posted here may be the evidence you need.

Helen Diaz said, 1461728048

ManyFacedGoddess said

Saddens me that this happened to you Jada :( No-one should ever take advantage, regardless of the theme/limits.

I had a home shoot with a guy from Leicester a few weeks ago who i'd worked with previously.

I'd outlined my boundaries with him and i was booked for a 'UV erotica shoot' ...

All seemed going well, until he leaned over me and put his fingers INSIDE me stating it was for an 'authentic shock effect'and that his methods were 'Unique'

i immediately ended the shoot, got my stuff and left!

I was in too much shock to report him, but i've warned others about him. I'll just stick with the MUA work for now..

Hope your okay and its good that your making others aware! x


Dear god. This is sexual assault, please go to the police. Never too late!!!

Tekmage Industries said, 1461728094

i would report him, I have taken models to abandoned buildings, to graveyards and all sorts and the one thing you have to keep in mind, 110% is the models comfort and safety

in bondage shoots, pre planning is also key, the bloke sounds from the description to be of questionable nature since the check list as it was should have been sent before you even got booked

the fault is entirely his, and while other models may have endured this treatment "by his word alone" this is completely irrelevant as its his first priority to make you safe, comfortable

i would not leave favorable review, and report him 

regipix said, 1461729081

well done for reporting him.

Zac Photography said, 1461729723

I'm so sorry that you have to go through such an ordeal, I don't do these sort of shoots as this needed to be done professionally and being trained.

There was another thread last week when a model and MUA was not having a good experience but went all through the shoot, I said then before as well that they should had not let it go all to the end and should have left as soon as they realised it was not going well.

While good that you left before you realised it wasn't going well. But I feel from your descriptions of the events that the from the first set things were not looking as great, 

I really wish that photographer get caught out so no more models have to suffer same pain through his shoots, But by agreeing to go up to the 3rd set it can give some defending grounds to him that you knew it was painful, you agreed to go to next and third set. Now for the first and second set, he can easily get away with it as You let him do the second so only the third one where you said enough is enough and he can say he complied with your request. This is a tricky situation as if you would have said no more set after the first then I do not think he could have argued that you was fine with the level of pain. Now going upto the 3rd set it implies that while being painful you were fine going ahead. It is only the third set where you can argue he was behaving badly.

Please do not take my response here in a wrong way, I am just explaining from point of his argumentation's view, like what he can use as a defence.

Please all model note from this and the one thread from last week if you feel from the start that things are not looking good then do not continue with the shoot, your safety and experience is more important that bit of cash.

Indigo said, 1461730033

Zac Photography said

I'm so sorry that you have to go through such an ordeal, I don't do these sort of shoots as this needed to be done professionally and being trained.

There was another thread last week when a model and MUA was not having a good experience but went all through the shoot, I said then before as well that they should had not let it go all to the end and should have left as soon as they realised it was not going well.

While good that you left before you realised it wasn't going well. But I feel from your descriptions of the events that the from the first set things were not looking as great, 

I really wish that photographer get caught out so no more models have to suffer same pain through his shoots, But by agreeing to go up to the 3rd set it can give some defending grounds to him that you knew it was painful, you agreed to go to next and third set. Now for the first and second set, he can easily get away with it as You let him do the second so only the third one where you said enough is enough and he can say he complied with your request. This is a tricky situation as if you would have said no more set after the first then I do not think he could have argued that you was fine with the level of pain. Now going upto the 3rd set it implies that while being painful you were fine going ahead. It is only the third set where you can argue he was behaving badly.

Please do not take my response here in a wrong way, I am just explaining from point of his argumentation's view, like what he can use as a defence.

Please all model note from this and the one thread from last week if you feel from the start that things are not looking good then do not continue with the shoot, your safety and experience is more important that bit of cash.

Same and echoes what I was also trying to say

3rdAngle said, 1461739018

Zac Photography said

I'm so sorry that you have to go through such an ordeal, I don't do these sort of shoots as this needed to be done professionally and being trained.

There was another thread last week when a model and MUA was not having a good experience but went all through the shoot, I said then before as well that they should had not let it go all to the end and should have left as soon as they realised it was not going well.

While good that you left before you realised it wasn't going well. But I feel from your descriptions of the events that the from the first set things were not looking as great,

I really wish that photographer get caught out so no more models have to suffer same pain through his shoots, But by agreeing to go up to the 3rd set it can give some defending grounds to him that you knew it was painful, you agreed to go to next and third set. Now for the first and second set, he can easily get away with it as You let him do the second so only the third one where you said enough is enough and he can say he complied with your request. This is a tricky situation as if you would have said no more set after the first then I do not think he could have argued that you was fine with the level of pain. Now going upto the 3rd set it implies that while being painful you were fine going ahead. It is only the third set where you can argue he was behaving badly.

Please do not take my response here in a wrong way, I am just explaining from point of his argumentation's view, like what he can use as a defence.

Please all model note from this and the one thread from last week if you feel from the start that things are not looking good then do not continue with the shoot, your safety and experience is more important that bit of cash.

3rdAngle said:

With all due respect, you are talking shite.

The OP's original post states that she repeatedly did not give consent for the level of abuse she received. She requested before the second and third sets that limits were adhered to, her abuser agreed to those limits, abd then proceeded to abuse her.

Her continuing on past the first set does not give him any sort of legal loophole l, and would be a very weak defence in legal proceedings.

I really wish people would stop sowing doubt in the mind of the OP about the validity of any criminal case against this predatory person. The police aren't stupid. Magistrates aren't stupid. No tick on a bit of paper or reluctance to run for the hills at the first hint something is wrong is going to make them believe this was a consentual act.

Please folks, if you have no relevant legal training and experience, don't try to tell the OP she has a weak case against him. Let the police do their job.

*edited for typo

Edited by 3rdAngle

Edited by 3rdAngle

Skymouse Productions said, 1461739607

Dasvidanias said

Tommy139 said

skymouse said

Anthony taylor said

Name and shame why protect him he obviously as no respect for models

. Take care and Good luck

It's against the site rules. Please do not encourage people to break the rules.

As is urging people to name and shame!

You know what, for once I wish it was, Because this cunt does not deserve protection.


Skymouse's post:

The greater level of protection arises from researching the photographer or production company, and not skimping on communications with them.

There are bona fide BDSM operations who are always looking for good performers and who have earnt a good reputation in the field.

I'm sorry but while I am saddened about the OP's unhappy experience, the mechanisms in place to benefit performers wanting to work with people with proven and deserved reputations for integrity and respect are available.

I would not recommend reporting to the police. I would instead recommend confining any BDSM work to those who are established as trustworthy in that field.

Edited by skymouse

Edited by skymouse

Edited by skymouse

Edited by skymouse

LesD said, 1461739128

Don't know is this has been said already, but if you know his name and the rough area where he lives, go to the library and look him up on the voters roll.

AlanJay said, 1461743128

Hi Jade,
I haven't read all the replies,  so please excuse me if I repeat something someone else has said.

First off I am so sorry to hear that you have been subjected to such an unpleasant experience and I am so very glad that you have the courage to speak about it.

I have done hundreds of bondage and fetish shoots,  mainly with people into the lifestyle and none of them has come anywhere close to being that awful.  Even people in the BDSM lifestyle will find his actions to be totally unacceptable.

The basic rules for this type of work are Safe, Sane & Consensual and Always Use & Respect a Safeword.

The behaviour you describe fails all of that.

If he was to act like that in a fetish club,  with a real submissive,  it is very likely that he would be thrown out and almost certainly banned from ever returning.  That type of selfish, irresponsible behaviour just isn't tolerated.
That he did this with a model,  is ....I'm actually lost for words.

I would urge any model  taking on a bondage shoot to take a chaperone and equally would urge any photographer to not only agree to a chaperone,  but to encourage it.

With over 30 years experience, I can say unequivocally that you were NOT silly.  In fact you were about as far away from that as its possible to imagine.

I too would encourage you to report this to the police.  They are far better placed to evaluate how good your case is,  than anyone on any website like this.

Edited by AlanJay

Matt Harper said, 1461742915

I think you should send him a message saying you were sorry and not on form that day, say that to make up for it, you would like to do another n=bondage shoot and arrange when and where.  Then, you and a few mates can show hime what bondage is like when you are the victim (model).   I reckon there could be hours of entertainment in this, from breath restriction to ball gags and finally, him gagging on his own balls.  Let the brothers sort it out, like things used to be done! 

Sorry to hear of this dreadful experience. 

photoimages said, 1461743121

I would STRONGLY advise you to report this to the police. He can be traced by phone number or email address and also through the site. This guy was a sadist not a photographer.

He showed no regard for you whatsoever and for the images he was taking most seemed unnecessary. Why for example put a ball gag and balaclava on you if he is then putting a paper bag over your head. This guy is dangerous. The fact you ticked those activities on a consent form would mean that you are consenting to those STYLES of photography not to being choked. You asked him to stop and he didn't, you told him the ropes were too tight etc. If you have marks then photograph them and consider getting them examined/recorded by a medical professional.

This guy is a dangerous, sadistic pervert

Edited by photoimages