This is something I never imagined I would have to write.

We know PurplePort is a long way off being a vital service but a great many people rely on us for various aspects of their lives.

PurplePort first and foremost is a community, and so we are taking measures to both help and protect our community where possible.

We plan to make VIP free for financially vulnerable account types. We know it’s a small thing but we feel it might mean the difference between individual success and failure.

In the wider community our society is built to provide support for vulnerable groups, and here, right now, is no different.

PurplePort is a family-run, family-owned business, and we are also subject to the same restrictions, fears, and uncertainties of the future. We clearly need regular income so we are not motivated to reduce our income but we are in a better position than many in our community so we are prepared to take the hit for as long as we can.

We hope, with the changes ahead, that the things we do help to eliminate some of the fears and uncertainties so you can focus on the truly important and big ones.

Free VIP for financially vulnerable accounts

There are several account types that will directly suffer as a result of the restrictions on movement and social interactions.

To help these we plan to implement a system where those accounts that we have identified as needing help will be able to push a button once a month or so to top up their VIP account for a month, for as long as this goes on. This, we hope, will allow those members to make the very most of PurplePort and hopefully allow them to continue to grow without also being restricted by us.

Right now the most financially vulnerable members in our community are Models, Makeup-artists, and Studios, and so it’s these members who will initially get VIP accounts for free if they need.

Relaxation of late cancellation rules

Looking ahead we can see that many members will have to cancel shoots as illness, transport problems, and further travel restrictions come into play.

To help with this we ask the community to have a little more than the normal empathy when it comes to someone cancelling late.

We will also adopt the policy that late cancellations may well be a new part of how we interact as a community and so will be more acceptable.

With that in mind, we all need to adjust and adapt to the new landscape.

Not turning up without letting the other party know will likely still lead to a no-show reference.

How to continue to shoot

Currently, in the UK, we have been advised to self-isolate, but that doesn’t mean things need to crash to a halt, as long as everyone applies good hygiene and common sense with regard to social distancing.

Until we are forcibly compelled to remain in our homes there are ways that shoots can still take place if you wish.

If a model and photographer meet each other at the venue and maintain good social distancing then there is no more risk than going to the shops.

The photographer can also wear a mask, thereby protecting both of them from each other if one is infected and not showing symptoms yet, is completely asymptomatic, or has recently recovered from Covid-19 but is still infectious.

Whatever you do remember that until we are in lockdown that social distancing means physical distancing.

However, if you are in any way in an at-risk group we highly recommend as close to total-isolation as possible. Please do not take any unnecessary risks with your health or the health of others.

Creativity is the core of our community

Our relatively small community, with just under 50,000 members, never ceases to amaze me with its creativity. Every day I browse on PurplePort I am inspired, and it’s been that way since day one.

There are many ways in which you can continue to be creative and make the best use of this time, such as;

  • Start planning and doing the groundwork for future shoots.
  • Share those post-apocalyptic shoots.
  • Learn some new tools and techniques, and share your endeavours.
  • Write some blog posts and articles about the things you are passionate about.
  • Use the Mentor options on PurplePort to expand your skills and gain knowledge.
  • Self-isolation is an excellent time to refine your portfolio here and elsewhere.
  • This is a great time to submit your best work to publications, no excuses now, you’ll have the time!
  • Why not start a new publication with some friends, or create some recurring blog posts.
  • Approach creatives you might not usually interact with, perhaps you are a photographer who’d like to see how someone else would edit your photos to perfection? With the help and experience of other creatives, your work could reach new heights.
  • Now is a good time to invest in yourself perhaps by learning Yoga or Tai Chi, there are a great many online courses and they are excellent for your health no matter your age.
  • Posting in the groups here on PurplePort, as well as taking part in the group games and competitions.
  • If you have the means, use your position and skills to fundraise for local charities - the elderly and the homeless will be hit hardest by this pandemic and lots of people will need help.
  • Empty places can be a photographic dream.
  • Share photography and modelling related articles in the PurplePort groups.
  • Become part of the PurplePort Community Team.
  • Make and share videos of your creative pursuits.

Whatever you do please be safe, exercise proper social distancing and hygiene.

A dedicated Covid-19 group on PurplePort

We have created a new group to discuss Covid-19 and it’s related subjects. This gives a single place on PurplePort should you wish to keep up with things, and of course if you wish to enjoy PurplePort without seeing such discussions then you can leave the group.

Click here to view the new COVID-19 group

We will also open up our groups publicly so any information within our groups can be shared.


I have already paid for VIP membership. What does this mean?

If you have already purchased VIP membership then this simply extends your existing subscription.

If you have a recurring subscription payment, this will continue to take payment until you instruct it to stop. This is regardless of how much VIP membership you may already have (e.g. 1 month, 20 years, etc).

If you ever want to cancel a recurring subscription payment in the future you can do this via your Subscription page by clicking Cancel(or you can contact us directly via support ticket and ask for assistance).

Make sure you follow the instructions in How do I upgrade my account? if you decide to upgrade in the future to avoid any problems with auto-renewal. 

Can I get a refund for the free VIP membership?

No, this is a gift from us which cannot be refunded.

How long will this last?

Honestly, we have no idea but we will keep it going for as long as we can and as long as it’s needed.

What is a short notice cancellation reference?

There are two types of short notice cancellation (negative) references:

  • Cancelled with less than 72 hours notice
  • Did not show up(also applicable to situations where someone cancelled a shoot with less than 24 hours notice)

More information about references can be found in the article How do I leave a reference?

What happens if I need to cancel a shoot due to Covid-19?

Please let the other people involved in the shoot know as soon as possible, stating clearly the reason why you are cancelling the shoot and specifically stating that it is related to Covid-19. If we can see this information in your communications, we will be able to remove any negative reference you receive for this short notice cancellation. Please report these cases to us via support ticket

Can I leave someone a short notice cancellation reference still?

Yes and no. We are asking all members of our community to exercise empathy regarding short notice cancellations related to Covid-19. However, shoots cancelled at short notice for any reason not related to Covid-19 can still expect a negative reference to be left, should the other member wish to leave one. 

If someone receives a negative reference for short notice cancellations specifically related to Covid-19, they can report this to us via support ticket and we will remove it. Please note this is only for cases where we can see clearly that you have stated the cancellation is due to a Covid-19 related reason.

Social distancing explained

The video below concisely explains the reasoning behind social distancing, it's a great video and I highly recommend everyone watch it and absorb it.

Thank you, and stay safe

Thank you all for supporting the PurplePort community at this rather confusing time.

We are taking this situation very seriously, as everyone should, and will strive to continue to be a place for you all to enjoy and continue to network with one another.

Let’s continue to be there for each other.

From everyone at PPHQ.

What is PurplePort

PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

Join the fastest growing, most feature-rich service of its kind and start making magical photos a reality!

Follow us on social media 

We regularly post beautiful, dynamic and inspiring images from our talented community on social media.

Check out our blog on PurplePort and our social channels below so you can stay inspired anytime:

Join now and start networking

Join the community and start your modelling or photography career now.