Albums anyone might have. Usefully, perhaps


MidgePhoto said, 1667240537

And eighthly, since the rules on Competitions changed so an image may not be entered twice (in the same competition when it comes round, or any competition? Best to take it widely I think) an album called Competitions offers two uses:

Putting an image in it and then picking it from there into the competition is marginally easier if you have many images;

Leaving it there allows you to easily avoid inadvertently re-entering an image in a later competition.

The album notes would also offer a different place for remarking on the competitions entered and positions reached, if one were inclined to do that, as I am not, very.

MidgePhoto said, 1675897263

fineportraits said

... I wish we had a whole lot more hobby specific posts like this.

Seems a good idea. How shall it be accomplished?

For my part, I like to break my groups into model photography categories - e.g. headshot, portrait, lingerie, topless and nude. 

One reason I find this way useful centres around privacy. So

Albums by categories: headshot, portrait, lingerie, topless and nude:  using album privacy I am able to hide my lingerie, topless and Nude images and only share them when requested, or at times I am casting or messaging models about doing those shoots. 

A good point.  If the main profile page image set were merely a specified or chosen album, and another album could be nominated instead, then that could offer alternate main pages.  Mono and colour were my initial thoughts, but summer, autumn, etc would be another.

art65 said

I am very much an album user otherwise my page would be enormous and ewildering. Trouble is that older albums are largely unseen except by a dedicated few. Perhaps there should be a game to highlight forgotten albums ?

Seems entirely reasonable.  Shall you make it so, or I, or an ad hoc committee of volunteers?

Evie Kedavra said

....I find it easier to split them according to levels. Just makes it a more concise snapshot if someone has a specific project ...

Several or many systems of albuming are possible, and one of the strengths of this is that one can use them all!

art65 said, 1675928090

MidgePhoto I am happy for you to do so :)

Sensual Art said, 1675929854

MidgePhoto art65 I started a game about albums some years ago.  I can't even find it now, but I don't think it reached a full page before it died.  I look forward to seeing a more successful version, if you can achieve it.

MidgePhoto said, 1675947309

Sensual Art said

MidgePhoto art65 I started a game about albums some years ago.  I can't even find it now, but I don't think it reached a full page before it died.  I look forward to seeing a more successful version, if you can achieve it.

Needs a few people to have a note of a few albums to introduce in smaller numbers at suitable intervals, to give other people a chance of seeing it and joining in.

MidgePhoto said, 1680514333

On the All:

@Photofervour divides it into two albums, one for all the nudes, and one for all the non-nudes 

I'd not thought of that, good idea.  Eva-kedevra had, I see, splitting according to levels for the convenience of photographers.

Edited by MidgePhoto

MidgePhoto said, 1683365540

How to put an image into an album, plus or minus remove it from the displayed front page, was the question here.

The official PP guidance on Albums is here 


"If all else fails, read the instructions" struggles with "RTFM". 

Edited by MidgePhoto

MidgePhoto said, 1712585465

Again, a take on the "All" album I've seen is to have two called Men and Women.

In the instance I've seen those are the only two albums, which is neither right nor wrong.

MidgePhoto said, 1715962255

MidgePhoto said

Again, a take on the "All" album I've seen is to have two called Men and Women.

In the instance I've seen those are the only two albums, which is neither right nor wrong.

Although it does rather imply at least a third album for those images which are neither.

For instance of steam engines, cats, and landscapes which lack "a naked chick" in them.