Rachelle Summers (film)
Photography by: Ramees FarooqiModel: Rachelle SummersTaken at: Heavenly Bodies StudioKeyword tags: available light, beautiful, beauty, blinds, fashion, girl, long hair, medium format, medium format photography, model, natural light, quartet, smile, smiling, vintage, window, womanGroups: (Invite) None
Added 1652847866 by Ramees Farooqi.
Mamiya 645.
Kodak Portra 400.
Shot in Chippenham, Wiltshire, July 2017.
Rachelle's dress produced by Susie at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PenelopeHeavenly
Developed by http://expressimaging.co.uk
I want to thank Zoe Rebecca John at Express Imaging for conceiving the idea and encouraging me to create this quartet, even suggesting the black background.